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Press Release
Excused By Incompetence: IG’s Embarrassing Finding about AG Holder in Fast and Furious

Department of Justice Inspector General's Report: “We concluded that the Attorney General’s Deputy Chief of Staff, the Acting Deputy Attorney General, and the leadership of the Criminal Division failed to alert the Attorney General to significant information about or flaws in those investigations.”

Press Release
Issa Statement on DOJ IG’s Findings of Widespread Failures by Senior DOJ Officials in Operation Fast and Furious

"The Inspector General’s report confirms findings by Congress’ investigation of a near total disregard for public safety in Operation Fast and Furious."

Press Release
IG Report Highlights Holder’s Desire to be Kept in Dark

“When we asked Holder whether he believed that his staff should have informed him sooner about the connection between Fast and Furious and the firearms found at the scene of the Terry shooting, he said that he would not have expected to receive that information..."

Press Release
THURSDAY: Oversight Seeks Answers from DOD on Missing Funds, Documents Destroyed, and Lax Contract Enforcement in Afghanistan

The House Oversight and Government Reform National Security Subcommittee will hold a hearing Thursday about allegations that nearly half-a-billion dollars are unaccounted for in a major Afghanistan reconstruction program and that program records were destroyed.

Press Release
NLRB IG: NLRB Acting General Counsel Accused of Ethical and Criminal Misconduct, Failed to Recuse Himself

“When Mr. Solomon, as a steward of taxpayer money, fails to disclose at the outset that he has a financial stake in a case he’s involved in, it calls into question his integrity and that of the agency. As a general counsel and career attorney, Mr. Solomon should know federal statute well enough to know when to recuse himself..."

Press Release
Issa Statement on Passage of No More Solyndras Act

“The operations of the Department of Energy’s loan guarantee program was rife with mismanagement and serious violations of federal law. Department officials illegally altered the terms of Solyndra’s loan agreement to advantage individuals who were invested in the company and political supporters of the President."

Press Release
Hearing Featuring DOJ Inspector General Rescheduled for Thursday, September 20th

Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz has confirmed his attendance for the September 20th hearing where he will discuss his report of the investigation into reckless conduct in Operation Fast and Furious.

Press Release
Special Counsel Concludes HHS Secretary Sebelius Violated the Hatch Act, Issa Awaits President’s Action

“The Committee appreciates OSC’s timely and thorough investigation,” said Chairman Issa. “OSC’s report and findings underscore the importance of laws prohibiting mixing official government business with partisan political activity."

Press Release
Figure in Solyndra Loan Scandal Becomes First Individual to Ever Defy Legal Obligations in Committee Subpoena for Deposition

“The decision of this key figure in the Solyndra scandal to ignore his legal obligation to appear for a deposition is unprecedented and regrettable. This reflects poorly on not only Mr. Wright’s character, but also on Secretary of Energy Chu and other employees who worked on matters related to the loan program."

Press Release
Tuesday’s Hearing Featuring DOJ Inspector General Rescheduled for Wednesday, September 19

Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz has confirmed his attendance for the September 19th hearing where he will discuss his report of the investigation into reckless conduct in Operation Fast and Furious.