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Press Release
Oversight Leaders Caution FHFA Head DeMarco to Resist Political Pressure to Enact Taxpayer-Funded Principal-Reduction Program

Issa & McHenry: “As conservator of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, you have a unique obligation to preserve and conserve the assets and property of [Fannie and Freddie]."

Press Release
Oversight Committee Outlines Case for Contempt over Fast and Furious

“This briefing paper and draft contempt report explains the case, to both Members of the Committee and the American people, for holding Attorney General Holder in contempt of Congress,” said Issa. “In describing the results of the Justice Department’s refusal to cooperate – including the hardships the family of a fallen Border Patrol agent have faced in seeking the truth, and retaliation against agents who blew the whistle on gunwalking – this briefing paper provides the facts, on ...

Press Release
Issa and Cummings Issue Joint Statement on Secret Services’ Response to the Committee on Agent Misconduct

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Ranking Member Elijah E. Cummings (D-MD) issued the following joint statement on the letter received last night from United States Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan in response to the committee’s April 18, 2012, questions about agent misconduct in Cartagena, Columbia.

Press Release
Oversight Committee YouTube Most Watched in House, Senate

Today, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee YouTube channel reached a new milestone – 2 million views, cementing its place as the most viewed committee YouTube channel in either the House or Senate.

Press Release
House Approves FISMA

“Today’s bipartisan approval of FISMA shows that Congress is serious about our nation’s cybersecurity,” said Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and the bill’s lead Republican sponsor. “FISMA 2002 is in desperate need of an update. This legislation will ensure that agencies are better prepared against real threats instead of the monotonous ‘check the box’ activity that FISMA has become.”

Press Release
Oversight Advances Spending Cuts, Job-Saving Regulatory Moratoriums, and Other Reforms

The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform adopted $83 billion in deficit reduction provisions today. The taxpayer savings were adopted by the Committee to meet the goals of H. Con. Res 112, House Fiscal Year 2013 budget resolution, on a vote of 19-15.

Press Release
Accountability & Transparency Legislation Unanimously Passes House

Issa on passage of revolutionary DATA Act: “Today’s strong bipartisan showing is a major win for transparency and accountability. The lavish spending by GSA in Las Vegas has again highlighted the extent of waste and excess that occurs in government. The DATA Act will create accountability by exposing waste and allowing Americans to examine the details of how the federal is spending their tax dollars.”

Press Release
Issa Statement on Senate Postal Bailout

Issa: “Instead of finding savings to help the Postal Service survive, the Senate postal bill has devolved into a special interest spending binge that would actually make things worse. Simultaneously harming taxpayers and the Postal Service’s shrinking customer base, the Senate bill includes a $33 billion dollar taxpayer funded bailout while increasing USPS debt by nearly $1 billion dollars.”

Press Release
Issa and Cummings Seek Facts, Briefing from DOD on Cartagena Prostitution Scandal

Issa & Cummings: “Our nation's capacity to protect the President, the Vice President, and other high-ranking officials when they travel abroad, depends on the strong character and sound judgment of uniformed military personnel who, along with the U.S. Secret Service plan and implement those trips. The recent actions of a group of uniformed military personnel on assignment in Cartagena, Colombia, showed an alarming lack of both.”

Press Release
Oversight Committee to Move Reconciliation Elements at Thursday Markup

Issa: “Like Social Security, the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund is not a store of wealth, it’s a line on the Treasury’s ledger. If the federal government’s out of control spending is not curbed, these accounts will prove just how empty they really are--we need to secure these earned employee benefits and reduce the deficit at the same time."