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Press Release
Mace Announces Hearing on White House AI Policy

WASHINGTON—Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Information Technology, and Government Innovation Chairwoman Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) will hold a hearing titled “White House Policy on AI.” The hearing will examine the scope and impact of the roughly 150 requirements associated with President Biden’s recent Executive Order (EO 14110) on artificial intelligence (AI). The hearing will also explore corresponding draft ...

Press Release
Hearing Wrap Up: “Reliance on Non-Allied Foreign Sources for Critical Minerals is Neither Sustainable Nor Secure”

WASHINGTON—The Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Energy Policy, and Regulatory Affairs held a hearing titled “Digging Deeper: Ensuring Safety and Security in the Critical Mineral Supply Chain” to discuss American reliance on critical minerals for building important materials for medicine, everyday electronics, and military defense, and to examine ways to strengthen our national security and ...

Press Release
Comer & Jordan: No Special Treatment for Hunter Biden

Chairmen reiterate Hunter Biden must appear for deposition, then public hearing WASHINGTON—House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) and House Committee on the Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) today wrote to Hunter Biden’s attorney, Abbe Lowell, reiterating Hunter Biden must comply with the committees’ lawful subpoenas and first appear for a deposition on December 13, 2023, and then a public hearing at a later ...

Press Release
Hearing Wrap Up: U.S. Must Do More to Secure Its Software and Deter Against Cyberattacks Launched from Abroad

WASHINGTON—The Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Information Technology, and Government Innovation held a hearing titled, “Safeguarding the Federal Software Supply Chain.” Subcommittee members discussed ways the U.S. can better ensure federal software systems are protected from attacks by hostile foreign nations and other threat actors. Subcommittee members also explored the tools the ...

Press Release
Hearing Wrap Up: Federal Agencies Must Be Transparent about Impact of Expanded Telework

WASHINGTON—The Subcommittee on Government Operations and the Federal Workforce held a hearing today titled “Oversight of Federal Agencies’ Post-Pandemic Telework Policies: Part II” to review telework policies at federal agencies and examine how agencies are responding to the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) new healthy workplace guidance which ...

Press Release
Dr. Anthony Fauci to Appear for Transcribed Interview and Public Hearing

WASHINGTON — Today, Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio) announced that Dr. Anthony Fauci will appear before the 118th Congress for the first time for a two-day, transcribed interview on January 8, 2024 and January 9, 2024. Additionally, Dr. Fauci has agreed to testify in front of the Select Subcommittee at a public hearing later next year. The full terms of his testimony are detailed below: A transcribed interview ...

Press Release
Fallon: Increasing Domestic Mineral Mining Will Support our Economy and Protect Against Supply Chain Shortages

WASHINGTON—Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Energy Policy, and Regulatory Affairs Chairman Pat Fallon (R-Texas) delivered opening remarks at today’s hearing titled “Digger Deeper: Ensuring Safety and Security in the Critical Mineral Supply Chain.” Subcommittee Chairman Fallon emphasized how the Biden Administration’s overreliance on foreign critical minerals – including from Russia and China – is a national security risk and places the U.S. economy in a vulnerable position ...

Press Release
Mace: Protecting Government IT Systems is Critical to Federal Software Supply Chain

WASHINGTON—Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Information Technology, and Government Innovation Chairwoman Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) today delivered opening remarks at a hearing titled “Safeguarding the Federal Software Supply Chain.” In her opening statement, Subcommittee Chairwoman Mace emphasized the broad usage of information technology (IT) systems creates efficiencies and streamlines ...

Press Release
Comer: President Biden’s Pattern of Lies, Corruption, and Obstruction Demand Action from Congress

WASHINGTON— Today, House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) provided an update on the impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden at the House Republican Conference stakeout. Chairman Comer detailed how evidence uncovered by the Oversight Committee’s investigation refutes President Biden’s lies about his family’s business schemes. Evidence reveals President Biden knew about, participated in, and benefited from his family’s corrupt business ...

Press Release
Sessions: Lack of Transparency on Telework Raises Concerns that Federal Agencies are Falling Short in Service to American Taxpayers

WASHINGTON—Subcommittee on Government Operations and the Federal Workforce Chairman Pete Sessions (R-Texas) today delivered opening remarks at a hearing titled “Oversight of Federal Agencies’ Post-Pandemic Telework Policies, Part II.” Chairman Sessions reiterated the Subcommittee’s goal to ensure federal agencies are measuring the impact of telework on their ability to put American taxpayers and agency missions first. Telework remains at elevated levels even despite President ...