Report & Video Sound Alarm on ‘reckless and job killing’ Climate Change Initiatives
WASHINGTON, DC – Oversight and Government Reform Committee Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming Ranking Member James Sensenbrenner (R-WI) today released a report on EPA efforts to regulate greenhouse gas emissions concludes that the Obama Administration, casting aside the dissenting opinions of career federal workers, “took office with a preexisting political agenda and then worked with singular focus to implement it.”
“Efforts by this Congress and the Administration on climate change are deeply flawed,” said Rep Issa. “If they continue to advance, these reckless and job killing policies regulating and taxing energy will harm our economy while doing nothing to help our planet’s environment. Emissions cuts and schemes that do not reduce emissions from countries like India and China, will lead to the export of U.S. manufacturing jobs and even higher levels of greenhouse gas emissions.”Added Issa, “EPA’s rush to an endangerment finding has viewed dissenting opinions by career professionals as obstacles and hurdles. Those who have dared to dissent face retaliation from anonymous Administration voices in media reports and find their careers threatened.”
“This Administration promised a prominent place for science in its policy making, but when then most up-to-date science became inconvenient for the EPA, it simply ignored a report from its own staff that poked holes in the case for greenhouse gas regulations,” said Sensenbrenner. “It seems that when the science doesn’t support the Administration’s agenda, its place is under the rug.”
The report on EPA’s endangerment finding follows an extensive investigation by Republican staff of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee and the Select Committee on Global Warming that identifies numerous episodes pointing to an agenda and decisions that where politics, not science, was the driving force.
Click here for a copy of the report: The Politics of EPA’s Endangerment Finding
Oversight and Government Reform Republicans also launched a new web video today: A Declaration of Energy Independence.
The video highlights prominent Democrats describing the dangers of the cap & trade energy tax in their own words and points Americans to a Republican alternative direction.