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Press Release Published: Dec 9, 2022

Scalise on COVID Oversight: Republicans Will Hold Biden Administration Accountable

WASHINGTON—House Republican Whip and Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis Ranking Member Steve Scalise (R-La.) today blasted Democrats’ final report and politicization of the Select Subcommittee to attack the Trump Administration rather than conduct impartial congressional oversight of the pandemic.

“Today’s final report is further proof that Democrats’ sham panel never was about impartial oversight—it was purely about politics. Instead of conducting impartial oversight of the federal government’s pandemic response, Democrats worked overtime to cover up President Biden’s failure to protect Americans. Democrats refused to investigate after we exposed the Biden White House manipulating the science to allow a radical teachers union to rewrite CDC guidance so they could make it easier to shut down schools. They refused to investigate the origins of COVID-19 and efforts by Dr. Fauci to downplay the Wuhan lab leak theory. Democrats also refused to investigate the Biden Administration sidelining scientists during the booster approval process, and they have failed to hold former Governor Andrew Cuomo and other Democrat governors accountable for their deadly orders forcing COVID-positive patients back into nursing homes, resulting in the unnecessary deaths of thousands of seniors. The Biden Administration’s reckless actions denied a proper education to millions of our nation’s young people, placed Americans at risk for future pandemics, and denied grieving families the justice they deserve.

“The American people deserve real accountability and oversight, not political coverups. When Republicans have the majority next Congress, we will hold the Biden Administration and other government officials accountable for their devastating actions, and advance bills to protect hard-working families from future government abuse and mismanagement.”