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Press Release Published: Mar 22, 2023

Sessions Announces Hearing Examining the Capabilities of

Follows recent GSA report showing misled agencies

WASHINGTON—Subcommittee on Government Operations and the Federal Workforce Chairman Pete Sessions (R-Texas) will hold a hearing titled “ Doesn’t Meet the Standard.” The hearing will examine the technical and operational capabilities of, a sign-on service provided by the General Services Administration’s (GSA) Technology Transformation Services, in addition to a recent report by GSA Office of Inspector General that misled customer agencies about services.

“Identity verification services are critical to combat waste, fraud, and abuse in the federal government., a sign-on identity verification service provided by GSA’s Technology Transformation Services, has fallen short of its mission. misled federal agencies and state, local, and territorial governments that trusted it to provide identity proofing services. That is unacceptable. If leaders within the GSA are unable and unwilling to exercise adequate oversight of Technology Transformation Services and the services it provides, then the Oversight Committee stands ready to do so,” said Subcommittee Chairman Sessions.

WHAT: Hearing titled “ Doesn’t Meet the Standard”

DATE: Wednesday, March 29, 2023

TIME: 2:00 PM ET

LOCATION: 2247 Rayburn House Office Building


  • Carol Fortine Ochoa, Inspector General for the General Services Administration
  • Sonny Hashmi, Commissioner, Federal Acquisition Service, General Services Administration
  • Jim St. Pierre, Acting Director, NIST Information Technology Laboratory

The hearing will be open to the public and press and will be livestreamed online at