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Press Release Published: Mar 4, 2025

Subcommittee Chairman Sessions to Hold First Hearing of 119th Congress on Improper Payments

WASHINGTON—Subcommittee on Government Operations Chairman Pete Sessions (R-Texas) announced the Subcommittee’s first hearing of the 119th Congress titled “Shifting Gears: Moving from Recovery to Prevention of Improper Payments and Fraud.” This hearing is a continuation of a bipartisan, multi-year long effort led by Subcommittee Chairman Sessions and the Oversight Committee to expose flaws in federal government payment systems and evaluate solutions to improve data collection, close eligibility loopholes, and thwart any further loss of taxpayer dollars. By preventing improper payments on the front end instead of recovering wasted taxpayer dollars on the back end, federal government agencies can dramatically reduce fraud and abuse. The Subcommittee will work with both the Trump Administration and expert witnesses to ensure these reforms are adopted across government agencies.

“Reducing fraud by identifying and preventing improper payments, particularly in pandemic-era programs, was an important issue championed across party lines during the 118th Congress. We uncovered billions of taxpayer dollars rushed out the door during the Biden Administration under the guise of pandemic aid and revealed evidence that states were unprepared to administer provisions passed by Congress. More must be done to oversee state-run federal programs and enable widespread data sharing. We owe it to the American people to continue this investigation, identify long-lasting solutions, and ensure their tax dollars are spent effectively,” said Subcommittee Chairman Sessions.

WHAT: Hearing titled “Shifting Gears: Moving from Recovery to Prevention of Improper Payments and Fraud”

DATE: Tuesday, March 11, 2025

TIME: 10:00 AM ET

LOCATION: 2247 Rayburn House Office Building


  • Kristen Kociolek, Managing Director, Financial Management Assurance, U.S. Government Accountability Office
  • Ken Dieffenbach, Executive Director, Pandemic Response Accountability Committee

*more witnesses to be announced*
