VIDEO RELEASE: Meet Oversight Watchdog Rep. Mike Kelly
WASHINGTON, DC – The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform today released “Meet Your Oversight Watchdogs: Rep. Mike Kelly,” the seventh in a series of videos introducing committee members to the American people. Rep. Kelly serves the people of Pennsylvania’s 3rd Congressional District both as Vice Chairman of the Oversight Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations & Procurement Reform and as a member of the Oversight Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs, Stimulus Oversight & Government Spending.
CLICK HERE to Meet Oversight Watchdog Mike Kelly (R-PA)
“You cannot spend more than you take in without incurring great damage to yourself, and to your family and to your company,” said Rep. Kelly in the video. “People have to be held accountable. Every penny that this town spends comes out of the pocket of somebody who got up every day, threw their feet out over the side of the bed, got in the shower and went off to work. They trust you to do the right thing.”
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RT @darrellissa: Meet Mike Kelly, a #PA taxpayer watchdog making gov’t more efficient & effective VIDEO: #tcot
RT @darrellissa: how is Rep. Mike Kelly serving northwest #PA in Congress? Answer is in this video: #tcot
RT @darrellissa: what storied college football team did .@GOPOversight Rep. Kelly play for? How does that experience translate? Answer:
RT @darrellissa: what’s spending accountability mean to .@GOPOversight watchdog Mike Kelly? ANSWER: #tcot #GOP