WATCH: FOX News Reports on Obama Administration Censorship of EPA Employees on Cap-and-Trade
Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI), Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) on censorship of EPA employees:
“The views of EPA employees who don’t subscribe to the Gore/Obama ideology on climate change clearly aren’t welcome at the EPA,” said Rep. Issa. “In less than a year, Chicago-style politics have replaced sound science as the primary driver of policy.”
“This is another example of the EPA playing dirty to get green,” Sensenbrenner said. “These two EPA attorneys merely sought to point out some of the many flaws inherent in a cap-and-tax system. Despite their decades of work on environmental issues, the EPA has sought to minimize their experience as well as their views.”
“The EPA promised transparency; instead it’s putting a muzzle on its employees. Career employees should not be silenced for expressing an informed opinion simply because it differs from the Administration,” Barrasso said. “The EPA must be an open, accessible and science-based agency that respects the fundamental rights of its employees.