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Press Release Published: Mar 8, 2023

What They’re Saying: Support for Bill to Protect Speech from Government Censorship

WASHINGTON – To protect Americans’ First Amendment right to free speech from government censorship, Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) has introduced the Protecting Speech from Government Interference Act (H.R. 140) with cosponsors Chairs Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash). The bill prohibits federal employees from pressuring social media companies to silence, censor, or remove Americans expressing views online.

“The Biden Administration has eroded Americans’ First Amendment rights by bullying social media companies to censor certain views and news on their platforms. The Oversight Committee is taking action to protect Americans’ constitutional right to free speech from government censorship,” said Chairman Comer.

Coalition groups across the country agree. Here’s what they are saying about the Protecting Speech from Government Interference Act:

Heritage Action:

“H.R. 140, the Protecting Speech from Government Interference Act, is an important first step — of many —- to address the practices and harm of Big Tech. […]

“From the censorship of the NYPost and the Hunter Biden laptop story days before an election to the quelling of COVID-19 evidence contrary to the elite’s established viewpoint, social media firms have been censoring American’s viewpoints and their right to associate – apparently at the direction of government agents. Heritage Action commends House Republicans for advancing H.R. 140, the Protecting Speech from Government Interference Act, and looks forward to further action against Big Tech’s corrosive impact on society.”

Chad Wolf, Executive Director of America First Policy Institute (AFPI):

“Our First Amendment rights are at stake. Time and time again, we’ve seen the current Administration betray the trust of the American people by pressuring, encouraging, and colluding with Big Tech giants to censor ideology they disagree with. This simply cannot go unchallenged, and we applaud Chairman Comer and the House Oversight Committee for proactively fighting this blatant violation of our most cherished and fundamental right.”

The American Consumer Institute:

“The Protecting Speech from Government Interference Act is a step in the right direction when it comes to consumers’ freedom of speech on the platforms they use to express themselves. By preventing the government from unduly restraining protected speech, this bill would ensure that consumers’ taxpayer dollars don’t go toward the suppression of speech. Unlike other legislation that would regulate the moderation decisions of private entities, H.R. 140 focuses on the key issue of keeping the government from tipping the scale in public discourse. It’s encouraging to see offices like Chairman Comer’s working to defend a free and open speech environment.”


Oversight Committee Advances Legislation to Protect Speech from Government Censorship