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Post Published: Oct 7, 2009

Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle


Congresswoman Buerkle

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Latest Buerkle Oversight News:


Congresswoman Buerkle Votes to Cut Member Spending


Jan 6, 2011 Issues: Congressional Issues, Spending Cuts and Debt

WASHINGTON – Representative Ann Marie Buerkle (NY-25) today registered her vote in favor of legislation to reduce the size of Member budgets for the incoming Congress.


“The people I represent throughout Central New York have had to closely watch every dollar they spend to be able to provide for their families but Congress has refused to do the same,” remarked Buerkle, “With the passage of this bill, we all show a greater respect for our constituent’s tax dollars by making similar cuts here.”


Introduced by Representative Greg Walden (OR-2), the bill reduces spending in member, leadership, and committee offices by five percent and ushers in a new era of belt tightening in the Federal Government. The measure passed with strong bipartisan support.


Buerkle concluded, “I’m pleased my fellow Representatives have taken this opportunity to help us begin curbing Washington’s excessive spending.”



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