Rep. Issa Expands ACORN Investigation
Oversight Republican Asks IRS, FEC, SBA, HUD, and Dept. of Labor to Answer Critical Questions Following Report Outlining Criminal Activity
WASHINGTON. D.C. – House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-CA) has sent five letters to Departments and Federal Agencies asking questions about ACORN’s illegal activities and federal funding grants to this political organization.
The Oversight and Government Reform Committee Republican investigation, “found ACORN conspired to defraud the United States by using taxpayer funds for partisan political activities,” wrote Rep. Issa to IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman. Issa requested that officials at the IRS and other government agencies answer critical questions pertaining to ACORN’s political work, tax filings, and taxpayer money it receives from the Federal Government.
“It is outrageous that ACORN’s partisan political work has earned it access to more Federal taxpayer dollars instead of closer scrutiny into its illegal activities,” said Rep. Issa. “As part of our oversight responsibilities, Republicans on the Oversight Committee intend to ensure that Federal authorities aren’t having the wool pulled over their eyes by ACORN.”
The five letters are listed below:
Letter to IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman
Letter to FEC Commissioner Steven T. Walther
Letter to Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan
Letter to Department of Labor Secretary Hilda Solis
Letter to Small Business Administration Administrator Karen Mills
Click here to read the Oversight and Government Reform Committee report, Is ACORN Intentionally Structured as a Criminal Enterprise?