Rep. Jason Chaffetz
Congressman Chaffetz is the Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Federal Workforce, Post Office, and the District of Columbia, and a member of the Subcommittee on Information Policy, Census, and National Archives. |
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Latest Chaffetz Oversight News:
Congressman Jason Chaffetz Selected as Member of the Republican Majority Transition Committee November 8, 2010
Washington, D.C. – House Republican leaders established a committee to manage the transition to a new majority in the U.S. House of Representatives for the 112th Congress, naming Congressman Jason Chaffetz to serve as a member of the transition committee. The Majority Transition Committee will review all House procedures and structures, with the goal of ensuring the new Congress can get to work immediately on the priorities of the American people.
“Leader Boehner has pledged to run the House differently than it has been run by both Democrats and Republicans in the past. The groundwork for these changes will be laid through the transition process,” Congressman Chaffetz stated. “I’m grateful for the opportunity to serve on this committee. I hope to help transition the efforts to turn this country back to core conservative principles of fiscal discipline and limited government.”
Building upon the successful America Speaking Out and YouCut efforts, Transition Chairman Greg Walden has launched a new website at to engage Americans directly and seek out their input online. On the new site, Americans are invited to offer ideas about how Congress can operate with greater transparency and accountability to the people. By submitting comments and videos, and sharing via Twitter and Facebook, citizens are able to propose their solutions for building a new Congress that respects their priorities, their tax dollars, and the Constitution. ###
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