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Airport Insecurity: TSA’s Failure to Cost-Effectively Procure, Deploy and Warehouse Its Screening Technologies

During the past ten years, TSA has struggled to cost-effectively utilize taxpayer funding to procure and deploy security equipment at the Nation’s 463 airports where TSA provides screening operations.

Uncovering Waste, Fraud, and Abuse in the Medicaid Program

No one knows how much of Medicaid's budget consists of waste, fraud, and abuse, but it may exceed $100 billion a year.

Impact of President Obama’s Health Care Law on Jobs

For our nation’s job creators, Obamacare’s new taxes and excessive regulations are exacerbating the country’s job crisis. The 10,000 pages of regulations already produced through Obamacare—not to mention the thousands of pages still being written—have contributed to significant uncertainty among business owners.

The Department of Energy’s Disastrous Management of Loan Guarantee Programs

The Obama Department of Energy (DOE) has overseen a process wrought with misdirection, changing and expanding requirements, unexplained delays, gross mischaracterizations, and a never-ending cycle of excuses. Not only does it appear that DOE purposely directed taxpayer funds at a failing enterprise, DOE’s action robbed taxpayers of genuine investment toward renewable energy.

The Department of Energy’s Weatherization Program: Taxpayer Money Spent, Taxpayer Money Lost

The Department of Energy’s (DOE) $5 billion Weatherization Assistance Program is a stunning example of how the Obama Administration has wasted billions of taxpayer dollars in a misguided effort to achieve energy savings but ultimately commissioning work that put people’s lives and homes at significant risk. The Weatherization Program, as administered by Energy Secretary Steven Chu, has resulted in excessive waste, fraud, and abuse of taxpayer dollars with very little benefit to show for it.

Report Card on Federal Government Efforts to Track and Manage FOIA Requests

As part of a broader effort to conduct oversight over FOIA to help improve government transparency, on January 25, 2011, Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa sent a letter to 180 entities representing 100 government agencies requesting information about their FOIA tracking systems. The ability and willingness of agencies to submit this information (or lack thereof) served as the basis of an objective evaluation by committee staff of agency FOIA management.

Workplace Freedom and Fairness: Are Workers Forced to Fund Political Causes They Oppose?

Freedom and choice are the cornerstones of what our system of government was built on. They also represent the core principles that helped create unionization in America. Over time, the role of unions has evolved from being a protector of workers against being forced to work long hours in difficult conditions to a being a powerful agent in the political process.

Government Motors: A Preliminary Report on the Effects of Bailouts and Politics on the Obama Administration’s Ability to Protect American Consumers

The delayed public notification of serious safety concerns relating to the Chevy Volt raises significant concerns regarding the unnatural relationship between General Motors (GM), Chrysler and the Obama Administration. Rather than allowing GM and Chrysler to enter into a traditional bankruptcy process, the Obama Administration intervened and forced the companies to participate in a politically orchestrated process. The result was that GM and Chrysler emerged as quasi-private entities, ...

A Crisis of Leadership: How the Actions of Chairman Gregory Jaczko Are Damaging the Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Congress never intended that commercial nuclear power be regulated by a single individual. On the contrary, Congress designed the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) as an independent agency with a five person, bipartisan panel of Commissioners at its helm. The American people need to have confidence that the actions of the NRC are not in support of just one individual’s agenda but, rather, singularly in support of the agency’s mission. That mission is to enable the nation to safely use ...

Government-Sponsored Moguls: Executive Compensation at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

As the Obama Administration openly and forcefully criticized private enterprises for accepting taxpayer assistance while paying executives bonuses, its defense of the bonuses now being paid to executives at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – who now report to the Obama Administration – creates the clear appearance of a double standard. Although the Administration’s rhetoric on executive compensation for companies who owe money to taxpayers has been tough in the past, the Administration appears ...