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Staff Report: Questionable Acquisitions: Problematic IT Contracting at the IRS

Interim Progress Report for the Members of the House Republican Conference on the Events Surrounding the September 11, 2012 Terrorist Attacks in Benghazi, Libya

Joint Staff Report: Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Quid Pro Quo with St. Paul: How Assistant Attorney General Thomas Perez Manipulated Justice and Ignored the Rule of Law

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa , House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte and Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Chuck Grassley released a joint staff report “Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Quid Pro Quo with St. Paul: How Assistant Attorney General Thomas Perez Manipulated Justice and Ignored the Rule of Law”. The report details how DOJ’s civil rights division chief Thomas Perez made a secret deal  with the City of St. Paul that ...

Billions of Federal Tax Dollars Misspent on New York’s Medicaid Program

New York State’s Medicaid program is the largest in the country. In fiscal year 2010,  New York’s $2,700 per resident Medicaid spending exceeded per capita Medicaid spending in  the rest of the country by more than $1,500. When problems have been identified, the cost  associated has often been large as well. Poor program oversight by both the State and federal  Government has contributed to these problems. 

Staff Report: Open and Unimplemented IG Recommendations Could Save Taxpayers $67Billion

As the President’s sequestration cuts go into effect, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee released today a report detailing the growth in the backlog unimplemented recommendations from agency inspectors general.   “This report chronicles $67 billion in unimplemented reforms that non-partisan Inspectors General have identified,”  said Committee ...

Report: Restoring Government Oversight and Accountability

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa today released a new Committee staff report chronicling the impact of oversight in the 112th Congress as result of efforts to restore meaningful oversight that had been diminished during the two years of one-party rule in the previous Congress.

Oversight Report on CFPB Finds White House Influence, Tightening Credit on Americans

The report notes, “The controversial and legally questionable selection of its first director – former Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray – adds unneeded uncertainty to financial markets. The CFPB’s apparently close relationship with the Obama Administration has allowed the White House to attempt to use the Bureau to further its partisan agenda."

President Obama’s Pro-Union Board: The NLRB’s Metamorphosis from Independent Regulator to Dysfunctional Union Advocate

The report details how the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) appears to have shifted from an equitable treatment of job creators and labor unions under previous Administrations to a politicized pro-union bias under the Obama Administration.

“None of the Below: The Truth About President Obama’s Actions Against Domestic Energy Production”

Chairman Darrell Issa released a staff report entitled “None of the Below: The Truth About President Obama’s Actions Against Domestic Energy Production,” summarizing the steps President Obama’s political appointees at the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of the Interior have taken to restrict or regulate into nonexistence the production of oil, natural gas, and coal.

Fast and Furious: The Anatomy of a Failed Operation Part 2 of 3

Chairman Darrell Issa: “The report discloses widespread management failures within the hierarchy of the Justice Department. The Justice Department has yet to evaluate these management issues and implement structural changes to prevent another disaster like Operation Fast and Furious from occurring. Furthermore, the Justice Department has taken limited action against these negligent managers.” Senator Chuck Grassley: “Officials in the Justice Department saw any number of warnings and ...