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Post Published: Jun 21, 2011

Senator Coburn to Testify to Oversight Subcommittee on Federal Grant Waste and Mismanagement

The Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations, and Procurement Reform, chaired by Rep. James Lankford, R-Okla., will host a hearing Thursday focusing on Executive Branch spending on discretionary grants, estimated to be more than $50 billion annually.

Senator Tom Coburn, R-Okla., will testify at the hearing, highlighting his April 2011 report identifying over $3 billion in grant mismanagement at U.S. National Science Foundation.

The hearing will examine the weaknesses in grant award process and identify vulnerabilities to waste, fraud, abuse and mismanagement throughout the life of the grant. Witness testimony will be posted here as it becomes available and the hearing will be webcast at

**Please note this hearing will begin at 10:30 a.m., one hour later than the previously announced time**

Title: Improving Oversight and Accountability in Federal Grant Programs

Date/Time: 10:30 a.m. on Thursday June 23rd

Location: 2154 Rayburn House Office Building and online at


Panel 1

• The Honorable Daniel Werfel, Controller, Office of Federal Financial Management, Office of Management and Budget

• Ms. Jeanette Franzel, Managing Director, Government Accountability Office

• Ms. Cynthia Schnedar, Acting Inspector General, Department of Justice

• Ms. Natalie Keegan, Analyst in American Federalism & Emergency Management Policy, Congressional Research Service

Panel 2

• The Honorable Tom Coburn, United States Senate
