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Post Published: May 19, 2009

05-19-2009 – Domestic Policy – "ONDCP's Fiscal Year 2010 Natoinal Drug Control Budget and the Policy Priorities of the Office of Natoinal Drug Control Policy under the New Administration"

Hearing on “ONDCP’s Fiscal Year 2010 National Drug Control Budget and the Policy Priorities of the Office of National Drug Control Policy under the New Administration”

May 19, 2009


Hearing Documents

Hearing Video

5-19-09_Domestic_Policy_Part_1 5-19-09_Domestic_Policy_Part_2

Part 1                       Part 2


Ranking Member Jim Jordan’s Opening Statement

Panel One

Gil Kerlikowske
Director, Office of National Drug Control Policy


Panel Two

John Carnevale, Ph.D.
President, Carnevale Associates, LLC

Peter Reuter
Professor, School of Public Policy and Department of Criminology, University of Maryland

Gail C. Christopher, Ph.D.
Chair, Panel on the Office of National Drug Control Policy: Building the Capacity to Address the Nation’s Drug Problems, National Academy of Public Administration

Robert B. Charles
Former Assistant Secretary of State, INL, for Colin Powell