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Post Published: May 20, 2009

05-20-2009 – Federal Workforce – "Nip and Tuck: The Impact of Current Cost Cutting Efforts on Postal Service Operations and Network"

Hearing entitled “Nip and Tuck: The Impact of Current Cost Cutting Efforts on Postal Service Operations and Network”

May 20, 2009


Hearing Documents

Hearing Video

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Panel 1                     Panel 2                    Panel 3

Ranking Member Chaffetz’s Opening Statement

Panel One

Mr. William P. Galligan
Senior Vice President, Operations, United States Postal Service

Mr. John Waller
Director, Office of Accountability and Compliance, Postal Regulatory Commission

Mr. Phillip Herr
Director, Physical Infastructure Issues, United States Government Accountability Office

Panel Two

Mr. William Burrus
President, National Border Patrol Council, American Federation of Government Employees

Mr. John Hegarty
President, National Postal Mail Handlers Union

Mr. Dale Goff
President, National Association of Postmasters of the United States


Panel Three

Mr. Anthony W. Conway
Executive Director, Alliance of Nonprofit Mailers

Mr. Robert E. McLean
Executive Director, Mailers Council

Mr. James O’Brien
Chairman, Association of Postal Commerce