06-24-2009 – Federal Workforce- "FEHBP's Prescription Drug Benefits: Deal or No Deal?"
Hearing on “FEHBP’s Prescription Drug Benefits: Deal or No Deal?”
June 24, 2009
Hearing Documents |
Hearing Video Panel 1 Panel 2 Panel 3
Ranking Member Chaffetz’s Prepared Statement |
Panel One Ms. Susan Hayes
Pharmacy Outcomes Specialist
Mr. James Sheehan
Medicaid Inspector General
Mr. Patrick McFarland
Inspector General, U.S. Office of Personnel Management
Panel Two Ms. Nancy Kichak
Associate Director for the Human resources Policy Division, U.S. Office of Personnel Management
Rear Admiral Thomas McGinnis
Chief, Pharmaceutical Operations Directorate TRICARE Management Activity
Mr. John Dicken
Director, Health Care, Government Accountability Office
Panel Three Dr. Jack Needleman
Associate Professor, UCLA School of Public Health, Department of Health Service
Dr. Ralph de la Torre
President and CEO, Caritas Christi Health Care
Mr. Mark Merritt
President and CEO, Pharmaceutical Care Management Association