7-30-2009 – Federal Workforce -"Making Sense of It All: An Examination of USPS's Station and Branch Optimization Initiative and Delivery Route Adjustments"
Hearing entitled “Making Sense of It All: An Examiniation of USPS’s Station and Branch Optimization Initiative and Delivery Route Adjustments”
July 30, 2009
Hearing Documents |
Hearing Video Panel 1 Panel 2 Panel 3 |
Ranking Member Chaffetz’s Prepared Statement |
Panel One New Jersey, District 13
Sponsor, HR 658
Panel Two Mr. Jordan Small
Acting Vice President, Network Operations, United States Postal Service
Director, Office of Accountability and Compliance, Postal Regulatory Commission
Director, Physical Infrastructure Issues, Government Accountability Office
Senior vice PResident, Direct Marketing Association
Executive Director, National Postal Policy Council
President, Japs-Olson Company
Panel Three President, American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO
President, National Postal Mail Handlers Union
Vice President, The National Association of Postal Supervisors
National President, The National Association of Letter Carriers’ Association
President, National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association
Executive Vice President, National League of Postmasters of the U.S.