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Post Published: Jul 14, 2009

07-14-2009 – National Security – "US Promotion of the Afghan Economy Impediments and Opportunities"

Hearing Entitled “U.S. Promotion of the Afghan Economy Impediments and Opportunities”

July 14, 2009

Hearing Documents

Hearing Video

7-14-09_National_Security_Part_1 7-14-09_National_Security_Part_2

Part 1                     Part 2



Agricultural Economist & former Senior Advisor, Ministry of Agirculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL), Government of Afghanistan
Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), Afghanistan Country Director
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Small Enterprise Assistance Funds (SEAF) and Afghan Growth Fund, Executive Board Member
Visting Research Scholar, Center for Sustainable Economies, U.S. Institute of Peace

Written Testimony

Chairman and President/CEO, respectively, Afghan American Chamber of Commerce