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Post Published: May 14, 2009

05-14-2009 – Federal Workforce – Hearing on the Status of Agency Protections in Place for Front Line Federal Employees"

Hearing on the Status of Agency Protections in Place for Front Line Federal Employees

May 14, 2009

Hearing Documents

Hearing Video

5-14-09_Federal_Workforce_Part_1 5-14-09_Federal_Workforce_Part_2

Part 1                     Part 2

Ranking Member Chaffetz’s Opening Statement

Panel One

Mr. Thomas Galassi
Director, Technical Support & Emergency Management, Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Dr. David Weissman
Director, Division of Respiratory Disease Studies, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

Ms. Nancy Kichak
Associate Director, Strategic Human Resources Policy Division, US Office of Personnel Management
Ms. Elaine Duke
Under Secretary for Management, US Department of Homeland Security

Panel Two

Mr. T.J. Bonner
President, National Border Patrol Council, American Federation of Government Employees

Mrs. Colleen Kelley
National President, National Treasury Employees Union


Panel Three

Dr. Thomas F. O’Brien
Vice President, Global Alliance for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics; Director Microbiology Laboratory, Brigham and Women’s Hospital Boston; Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School

Dr. Jeffrey Levi, PhD
Executive Director, Trust for America’s Health