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Post Published: May 11, 2011

USPS posts $2.6 billion loss; Oversight Hearing to Discuss Challenges Facing the Mailing Industry

WASHINGTON– Four major mailing industry representatives will testify tomorrow morning to the postal service subcommittee of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on challenges facing that industry. Yesterday the United States Postal Service announced that it lost $2.6 billion in the six months ending March 31.

Although USPS is the single largest employer in the mailing sector, it represents only 8.3 % of total industry jobs. As of 2009, the mailing industry included an estimated 8.7 million domestic jobs, with employees in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. These firms generate almost 90 % of all United States Postal Service mail volume.

The subcommittee will review the changes the mailing industry has undergone with an eye towards the future of the industry and its impact on USPS. Without significant cost-saving reforms, on September 30, 2011, USPS will not be able to meet its existing financial obligations.

Title: Where Have All the Letters Gone?: The Mailing Industry and its Future

WHO: Subcommittee on the Federal Workforce, U.S. Postal Service, and Labor Policy, Chairman Dennis Ross, R-Fla.

WHEN/WHERE: 9:30 a.m. on Thursday May 12th in 2247 Rayburn House Office Building


• Mr. Dave Riebe , President of Logistics and Distribution, Quad/Graphics

• Mr. Jerry Cerasale, Senior Vice President, Government Affairs, Direct Marketing Association

• Mr. Rob Melton, Vice President of Specialty Paper, Domtar

• Mr. Todd Haycock, Director, Postal Services, 3i Infotech, North America