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Press Release
Oversight Committee Leaders Statements on Flawed, Rushed CAFE Rule

“The rule finalized today by the Obama Administration will hurt American consumers by forcing them to drive more expensive and less safe automobiles. The Administration drafted these standards in secret, strong-arming automakers and short-circuiting the deliberative regulatory process to achieve a purely political result..."

The Green Agenda and the War on Coal: Perspectives from the Ohio Valley

8:00am at Ohio University Eastern Campus, 45425 National Road W., St. Clairsville, Ohio

The Administration’s Bet on Abound Solar: Assessing the Costs to the American Taxpayers

10:00am in 2154 Rayburn House Office Building 

The Obama Administration’s Green Energy Gamble Part II: Were All The Taxpayer Subsidies Necessary?

10:00am in 2154 Rayburn House Office Building

The Obama Administration’s Green Energy Gamble: What Have All The Taxpayer Subsidies Achieved?

9:30am in 2154 RHOB

Joint Hearing – Is Government Adequately Protecting Taxpayers from Medicaid Fraud?

Wednesday, April 25th at 9:30am in 2154 Rayburn House Office Building

Volt Vehicle Fire: What Did NHTSA Know and When Did They Know It?

The Price of Uncertainty: How Much Could DOT’s Proposed Billion Dollar Service Rule Cost Consumers This Holiday Season?

The Green Energy Debacle: Where Has All the Taxpayer Money Gone?

Running on Empty: How the Obama Administration’s Green Energy Gamble Will Impact Small Business & Consumers