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What the Euro Crisis Means for Taxpayers and the U.S. Economy, Pt. 1

How Roadblocks in Public Markets Prevent Job Creation on Main Street

America’s Innovation Challenge: What Obstacles Do Entrepreneurs Face?

Potential Conflicts of Interest at the SEC: The Becker Case

Chairman McHenry Hearing Preview Statement In May 2010, then-Ranking Member Issa released a report that explained how the SEC's unworkable structure, lawyer-driven culture, and technological backwardness helped to cause its high-profile failures, such as the Madoff scandal. This joint committee hearing continues ongoing efforts of Congressional oversight. The matter at hand today revolves around former NASDAQ chairman Bernard Madoff's elaborate Ponzi scheme. ...

Crowdfunding: Connecting Investors and Job Creators

Chairman McHenry Hearing Preview Statement Over 2 years into our economic recovery, America's labor and capital markets continue to face unprecedented challenges. Nearly 14 million Americans remain officially unemployed – with an additional 11 million underemployed – and small businesses continue to struggle to access capital, despite an endless number of government initiatives. Fixing this mess will not occur overnight nor will it be erased by more ...

The Changing Role of the FDIC

Who’s Watching the Watchmen? Oversight of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Transparency as an Alternative to the Federal Government’s Regulation of Risk Retention

Has Dodd-Frank Ended Too Big to Fail?

State and Municipal Debt: The Coming Crisis? Part II