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Top Management and Performance Challenges Identified Government-wide by the Inspector General Community

PURPOSE: To examine the first Council of Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) report on top management and performance challenges identified by the Inspector General (IG) community. BACKGROUND: Each year, IGs are required to identify and report on their agency's top management and performance ...

Continued Oversight Over the Internal Revenue Service

PURPOSE: To examine ongoing management issues at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), including customer service challenges, the capability to implement the Employer Shared Responsibility ...

A ‘Caravan’ of Illegal Immigrants: A Test of U.S. Borders

PURPOSE: To explore the logistical, operational and legal challenges associated with masses of migrants arriving at the southwest border and seeking asylum in the United States. To determine what actions need to be taken at the federal and state level to prepare for large groups of asylum seekers, and to explore how U.S. ...

Improper Payments in State-Administered Programs: Medicaid

PURPOSE: To examine federal and state efforts to identify, prevent, and recover improper payments made through state Medicaid programs. To examine the federal-state relationship in Medicaid data-sharing, and evaluate fraud identification and prevention in Medicaid programs. BACKGROUND: Improper payments have cost taxpayers an estimated $1.2 trillion since 2003. The Department of Health and Human ...

Local Responses and Resources to Curtail the Opioid Epidemic

PURPOSE: To evaluate local responses and initiatives to address the opioid epidemic. To examine how federal grant programs have assisted state and local ...

Bureaucratic Challenges to Hurricane Recovery in Puerto Rico

PURPOSE: To examine federal response and recovery efforts to restore access to power and potable drinking water in Puerto Rico in the ...

Subcommittee Joint Hearing: CDM: Government Perspectives on Security and Modernization

PURPOSE: To examine the status of the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) Program rollout at specific agencies. To examine impediments to full deployment of CDM, such as lack of funds, lack of training, and issues with contracting vehicles. BACKGROUND: In 2012, DHS initiated the CDM program to provide hardware, software, and services to support ...

An Examination of Federal Permitting Processes

PURPOSE: To examine federal permitting processes, focusing on National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the Clean Water Act. BACKGROUND: On February 12, 2018, the Administration announced guiding principles for rebuilding our nation's infrastructure, which included streamlining and shortening the permitting process for infrastructure projects. On March 1, 2017, the Subcommittees on Interior, ...

State of Play: Federal IT in 2018

PURPOSE: To examine the state of federal information technology in 2018, including government-wide plans for information technology (IT) modernization. To examine the Administration's progress in implementing the Modernizing Government Technology (MGT) Act. To discuss other key aspects of information technology (IT) including the IT workforce, emerging technologies, and continuing IT acquisition and contracting ...

Shining Light on the Federal Regulatory Process

PURPOSE: To assess federal agencies' processes for and compliance with rulemaking and guidance procedure requirements. BACKGROUND: Federal agencies issue thousands of regulations per year, making it difficult for regulated entities and the general public to comply with regulatory directives.