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Press Release
House Sends DATA Act to President Obama

“Today’s passage of the DATA Act is a victory for taxpayers,” said Chairman Issa. “Addressing rampant waste and fraud in government starts with making publicly accessible, structured information available online for everyone—taxpayers and watchdogs alike. I applaud my House colleagues’ bipartisan action today to reform and improve spending transparency. The DATA Act is a win for good government, moving the federal bureaucracy into the digital age and setting the stage for real ...

Press Release
Issa: Dems “Deeply Cynical” in Rejecting Request from D.C. Delegate

"Democrats opposing the request of the District’s own representative is a deeply cynical maneuver. The budget impasse hurts our country, but this vote underscores how much the Democratic leadership believes the Reid shutdown is a political winner that they're not eager to fix through negotiations or compromise. I intend to keep pursuing a solution despite the Democrats defeating this measure.”

Press Release
Docs: House Democratic Leadership Pressured SEC to Scrutinize Donations to Tax-Exempt Groups

WASHINGTON – House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) today released a memo to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) detailing how intense political pressure led the Commission to override the objective advice and recommendations of the SEC’s professional staff. Documents show special interest groups and House Democratic leadership tried to pressure the SEC to scrutinize political spending by the same types of outside groups that were being ...

Press Release
Oversight Committee Issues Subpoena for Veteran Affairs’ Lavish Conference Spending Records

WASHINGTON – The House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) today issued a subpoena to Department of Veteran Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki for communications related to the Department’s extravagant July and August 2011 human resources conferences held in Orlando, Fla. The conference series cost approximately $5 million, from which $52,000 was allegedly spent to make a Patton parody video, $31,000 spent on a reception and $84,000 on promotional items ...

Press Release
Issa Talks IRS Targeting Investigation, Previews Thursday’s IRS Conference Spending Hearing on CNN SOTU

“As late as last week, the administration was still trying to say the [IRS targeting scandal] was from a few rogue agents in Cincinnati, when in fact the indication is that they were directly being ordered from Washington,” Issa told CNN.

UNCOVERED: Federal Government Worker American Idle?


Press Release
Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa Statement on State of the Union Address

WASHINGTON—Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Vista, CA) released the following statement tonight regarding President Obama's State of the Union Address: "The President tonight outlined a laundry list of popular programs without regard to what they cost and his own record in office. "He has failed to deliver on economic growth promises, has squandered $800 billion in stimulus funds, and vetoed jobs and affordable domestic energy bills passed by Congress. What ...

Press Release
Oversight Chairman Issa Calls on Obama Administration to Return Utility MACT Regulation to EPA to Complete Assessment of Impact on Jobs

Rushed Rulemaking Omitted Assessment of Impact on Job Creation and Grid Reliability (WASHINGTON)—Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) today called on the Obama Administration's Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) to return the proposed Utility MACT rule to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and require a more complete assessment of its impact on job creation. EPA is slated to issue the final Utility MACT rule ...

YouTube Town Hall: Is Raising Taxes A Way Forward?


#AskObama: Where Are The #Jobs?
