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Press Release
Issa Statement on Select Committee on Benghazi

“Ongoing White House obstruction has repeatedly delayed and impaired efforts to get to the bottom of what occurred before, during, and after the terrorist attack that killed four Americans in Benghazi. Access to the interagency decision making process, including the White House, is critical to understanding what occurred...

Press Release
Issa and Royce Press State, DOD, and CIA for Answers on Report of ‘Orders to wait’ in Response to Benghazi Attack

WASHINGTON – House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) and House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-Calif.) today pressed the Department of State, Department of Defense and Central Intelligence Agency to address a new report that a response team ignored “orders to wait” in responding to calls for help from our diplomats during the 2012 attack on the United States compound in Benghazi Libya that led to the death of four Americans. The ...

Press Release
New Report Explains Deficiencies in ARB Benghazi Investigation, Lack of Accountability

New Report: ARB placed blame on mid-level officials

Press Release
On Anniversary of Benghazi Attacks, Issa Honors Heroes and Announces Hearing for Next Week

“One year ago, four Americans were killed in a vicious and planned attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi. Today, we remember Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Tyrone S. Woods, who served their country honorably and died protecting it. We also remember their families and colleagues, who will always keenly feel their loss,” Chairman Issa stated.

Press Release
Issa Presses State Department on Refusal to Make Benghazi Eyewitnesses Available for Interviews

Chairman Issa demands that the State Department comply with requests to interview survivors of the 2012 terror attacks in Benghazi.

Press Release
Issa Presses Reluctant State Department on Withholding of ARB Documents

WASHINGTON – House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) yesterday sent a letter to the State Department on their refusal to turn over Accountability Review Board (ARB) documents to the Oversight Committee. In the letter, Issa states that the Department’s refusal to provide documents covered by the Committee’s subpoena is unjustified and the latest example of resistance to congressional oversight of the events surrounding the Benghazi attacks.  The ...

Press Release
Issa Statement on Secretary Kerry’s Decision Not to Pursue Discipline for any Officials in Benghazi Probe

Chairman Darrell Issa's Statement on Secretary Kerry’s Decision Not to Pursue Discipline for any Officials in Benghazi Probe

Press Release
Issa Demands Key State Department Official in Benghazi Controversy Turn Over Emails

Official Wrote of “Building Leadership” Concerns about Talking Points WASHINGTON – Today, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., sent a letter seeking more information about why State Department leadership was concerned by the original talking points drafted following the September 11, 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi. In a letter ...

Press Release
Issa Statement on Reports of Charges against Suspects in Benghazi Attacks

“If our government knows who perpetrated the attack that killed four Americans, it is critical that they be questioned and placed in custody of U.S. officials without delay,” said Chairman Issa. “Osama Bin Laden had been criminally charged long before the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks but was not apprehended. Delays in apprehending the suspected Benghazi killers will only put American lives at further and needless risk.”

Press Release
Issa Subpoenas State Department for ARB, Benghazi Documents

“After ignoring requests for months, the State Department has left no alternative but to issue subpoenas for documents relevant to our investigation,” said Issa. “State Department tactics to delay and impede accountability have exhausted the Committee’s patience. Further subpoenas may also be necessary if the Department is not forthcoming on other requests.”