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Press Release
Record State Dinner Spending at Obama White House [VIDEO]

“During these tough economic times, Americans are reining in their spending wherever possible. The Executive Branch should be mindful of this. Reports of excessively lavish events, however, indicate the opposite."

Obama State Dinners: Spend Like He Says, Not Like He Does


Press Release
Issa Asks DOD for Info About 64 Conferences Costlier than GSA Las Vegas Binge

“The Committee has analyzed thousands of documents obtained from federal agencies and citizen watchdogs related to conference spending in the Executive Branch,” Issa wrote. “Any conference that cost taxpayers more per person than GSA’s 2010 conference in Las Vegas raised a red flag.”

Press Release
Bipartisan DATA Act Scheduled for Vote Wednesday

“Now, more than ever, the American people demand real accountability of how their tax dollars are being spent,” said committee chairman Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif. “It’s clear from our investigation into GSA’s lavish conference spending that accountability and increased transparency is needed. Through the bipartisan DATA Act, we can improve our oversight of federal funds by mandating clear, consistent reporting standards.”

Press Release
More GSA “American Idle”: Convention Laughs Over Admission that Video Made During Taxpayers’ Time

In one part of an awarded video submitted by GSA Region 7 employees, a roomful of participants holding a picture of President Barack Obama sings: “POTUS wants a press event, a project he can show … Are you ready for a miracle? GSA’s going Green.”

UNCOVERED: Federal Government Worker American Idle?


Press Release
Federal Worker “American Idle” Uncovered: Winning Video Skit from Taxpayer Funded Luxury Las Vegas GSA Convention

From the taxpayer-funded video: "Obama better prepare, when I’m Commissioner. I’d have a road show like [Acting Regional GSA Administrator Jeffrey] Neely, every time you see me rolling on 20s yeah, in my GOV. Spend BA 61 all on fun. ATF can’t touch GS-15 guns! Cause I buy everything your field office can’t afford. Every GS-5 would get a top hat award. Donate my vacation, love to the nation, I’ll never be under OIG investigation."

Press Release
Issa Statement on GSA IG Report on Wasteful Las Vegas Convention Spending

“After President Obama lectured the private sector about not wasting funds on Las Vegas conventions, it’s hypocritical that such a large agency with critical management responsibilities across government would hold this luxurious conference at the height of the recession and even spend thousands on custom made coins touting the stimulus," said Chairman Darrell Issa.

Food Stamp Fraud EXPOSED


Press Release
Oversight Chairman Issa Statement on House Vote to Repeal CLASS Provisions

(WASHINGTON)—Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) released the following statement on the House vote to pass H.R. 1173, the CLASS Act Repeal.  The Community Living Assistance Services and Supports (CLASS) program was established as part of President Obama’s healthcare act and would have created a voluntary national program to provide insurance coverage to purchase community living services for disabled Americans and those requiring long-term care.  The ...