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Government-Sponsored Moguls: Executive Compensation at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

As the Obama Administration openly and forcefully criticized private enterprises for accepting taxpayer assistance while paying executives bonuses, its defense of the bonuses now being paid to executives at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – who now report to the Obama Administration – creates the clear appearance of a double standard. Although the Administration’s rhetoric on executive compensation for companies who owe money to taxpayers has been tough in the past, the Administration appears ...

A Decade Later: A Call for TSA Reform

Since its inception, TSA has lost its focus on transportation security. Instead, it has grown into an enormous, inflexible and distracted bureaucracy, more concerned with human resource management and consolidating power, and acting reactively instead of proactively.

On the Frontlines in the Acquisition Workforce’s Battle Against Taxpayer Waste

Pay for Performance: Should Fannie and Freddie Executives Be Receiving Millions In Bonuses?

Chairman Issa Hearing Preview Statement This hearing will examine the validity of bonuses paid out to executives at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. In the aftermath of the financial crisis, President Obama offered direct and pointed criticism of entities that received taxpayer dollars but continued to pay executives millions of dollars in compensation and bonuses calling the payments "obscene" and "shameful." Since entering a conservatorship status, Fannie and ...

How Roadblocks in Public Markets Prevent Job Creation on Main Street

Progress of the Obama Administration’s Policy Toward Iran

Back to the Basics: Is OPM Meeting Its Mission?

Delphi Pension Fallout: Federal Government Picked Winners & Losers, So Who Won and Who Lost?

Chairman Issa Preview Hearing Statement Today’s hearing will examine what happened with the Delphi Pension plan in the midst of the federal government’s bailout of General Motors in 2009.  While the pensions of unionized Delphi workers were largely protected as Delphi went through bankruptcy thanks to guarantees coming from the federal government/GM, non-union salaried Delphi employees saw their pensions greatly reduced.   Delphi – originally a ...

Press Release
Issa Presses DOJ Official on False Statement to Congress in Fast and Furious Probe

WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa today pressed Department of Justice Assistant Attorney General for Legislative Affairs Ronald Weich for documents and other information related to a false statement Weich made to Congress regarding gun walking that took place in the reckless gun smuggling investigation known as Operation Fast and Furious.  According to agents with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and ...

Press Release
Oversight Chairman Issa Statement on Energy Department IG Report Documenting Millions in Additional Stimulus-Funded Project Waste

WASHINGTON DC—House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) today issued the following statement on the release of a new Department of Energy Inspector General report documenting the departments’ failure to manage a $152 million stimulus project resulting in delays and wasted funds: “Inspector General Friedman’s report underscores what he told the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform last week: the Obama Administration’s ...