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Ranking Member Issa Welcomes New Republican Members to Oversight and Government Reform Committee

Washington, DC – Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-CA) issued the following statement welcoming Reps. Jeff Flake (R-AZ), Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE), and Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform:   “I welcome Rep. Flake, Rep. Fortenberry, Rep. Chaffetz and the energy, enthusiasm, and skills they bring to Congress’ chief investigative committee.  I couldn’t be happier to know that I’ll ...

Press Release
Ranking Member Issa Welcomes New Republican Members to Oversight and Government Reform Committee

Ranking Member Issa Welcomes New Republican Members to Oversight and Government Reform Committee

Press Release
Ranking Member Issa Responds to Majority Staff Report on Unimplemented IG Recommendations

Washington, DC – Rep. Darrell Issa issued the following statement on the Unimplemented IG Recommendations issued today by Democratic Staff: “It is regrettable that as a parting partisan shot on his last day, Chairman Waxman has issued a report without the input or consultation of Oversight and Government Reform Committee Republicans. The report, however, ignores his own party’s backyard. “This partisan report completely ignores IG recommendations made during the ...

Ranking Member Issa Responds to Majority Staff Report on Unimplemented IG Recommendations

Washington, DC – Rep. Darrell Issa issued the following statement on the Unimplemented IG Recommendations issued today by Democratic Staff: “It is regrettable that as a parting partisan shot on his last day, Chairman Waxman has issued a report without the ...