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07-08-2009-Full Committee "Tracking the Money: Preventing Waste, Fraud and Abuse of Recovery Act Funding"

July 8, 2009 Hearing Documents Hearing Video

07-08-2009 – Federal Workforce – "Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act of 2009"

Hearing on HR 2517 "Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act of 2009" July 8, 2009 Hearing Documents Hearing Video

07-08-2009 – Government Management – "Oversight of Federal Financial Management"

Hearing on "Oversight of Federal Financial Management" July 8, 2009   Hearing Documents Hearing Video

Oversight of Federal Financial Management

Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act of 2009

Tracking the Money: Preventing Waste, Fraud and Abuse of Recovery Act Funding

Report: The Role of Government Affordable Housing Policy in Creating the Global Financial Crisis of 2008

WASHINGTON. D.C. – A report released today by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform finds that the housing bubble that burst in 2007 and led to a financial crisis can be traced back to federal government intervention in the U.S. housing market.  The report’s findings are particularly significant and relevant since President Barack Obama’s announced financial reform initiatives do not include reforms to address flawed ...

Press Release
Issa, Boehner and McKeon Introduce Reauthorization of D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program

WASHINGTON. D.C. – House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-CA) joined today with House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) and Education & Labor Committee Chairman Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-CA) in introducing legislation to reauthorize the District of Columbia’s groundbreaking school choice program. Since 2004, this program has provided unprecedented educational opportunities for thousands of inner-city students who are ...

Issa, Boehner and McKeon Introduce Reauthorization of D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program

WASHINGTON. D.C. – House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-CA) joined today with House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) and Education & Labor Committee Chairman Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-CA) in introducing legislation to reauthorize the District of Columbia’s groundbreaking school choice program. Since 2004, this program has ...

The Role of Government Affordable Housing Policy in Creating the Global Financial Crisis of 2008

Ironically, some of these same Washington officials were, all too recently, advocates of the very mortgage lending policies that led to economic turmoil.