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Wayne's Story: New EPA Regulations Jeopardize Kansas Jobs


Voices of TN Recovery: DesJarlais Delivers Relief from Pro-Union NLRB Regulation


Press Release
Statement on Introduction of Postal Reform Act by Senator McCain

WASHINGTON- In a move that adds even more momentum to the push for comprehensive and immediate postal reform, today Senator John McCain, R-Ariz., introduced companion legislation to the Issa-Ross Postal Reform Act of 2011. "With decisive and comprehensive postal reform now having the full-force of Senator McCain's leadership behind it, we are in position to avert the unnecessary taxpayer bailout of the United States Postal Service," said Rep. Darrell Issa, ...

The Department of Defense: Challenges in Financial Management

Press Release
Oversight Committee Releases Report on Obama Green Jobs Program Failures

Shows impacts on U.S. jobs, affordable energy (WASHINGTON) – Facing the worst economic recession since the Great Depression, President Obama has responded with a green jobs agenda as a major component of his recovery strategy. Combined with restrictions on domestic energy production, the net effect has been jobs lost and a failure to even approach his promised goal of creating five million jobs within ten years. That is the conclusion of a new report released today ...

Postal Reform Update: Next Steps for Saving the Postal Service


How President Obama’s Green Energy Agenda is Killing Jobs

Facing the worst economic recession since the Great Depression, President Obama confronted the crisis by promoting “green jobs” as a major component of his recovery strategy. He promised that these programs would create five million jobs within ten years. He cited the efforts of other nations as the rationale to try and subsidize our way to energy independence. Yet, the other nations who tried this experiment have struggled and after nearly three years and billions of spent taxpayer dollars ...

Potential Conflicts of Interest at the SEC: The Becker Case

Chairman McHenry Hearing Preview Statement In May 2010, then-Ranking Member Issa released a report that explained how the SEC's unworkable structure, lawyer-driven culture, and technological backwardness helped to cause its high-profile failures, such as the Madoff scandal. This joint committee hearing continues ongoing efforts of Congressional oversight. The matter at hand today revolves around former NASDAQ chairman Bernard Madoff's elaborate Ponzi scheme. ...

How Obama’s Green Energy Agenda is Killing Jobs

Chairman Issa Hearing Preview Statement Facing the worst recession since the Great Depression, President Obama has confronted this crisis by promoting green jobs as a major component of his recovery plan. He has said that these programs would create five million jobs within ten years. The President has also cited the efforts of other nations as the rationale to try to subsidize our way to energy independence. Unfortunately, the other nations who tried this ...

Press Release
Issa-Ross Postal Reform Act Advances in the House

WASHINGTON- Today the House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on Federal Workforce, the U.S. Postal Service, and Labor Policy reported out on a 8-5 vote HR 2309, the Issa-Ross Postal Reform Act of 2011, with changes that bring the total mandatory minimum savings for USPS in the bill to $10.7 billion annually. The bill will be heard at a full committee markup before heading to the floor. The bill was introduced in June by Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., and ...