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07-30-2009 – Information Policy – "National Archives and Records Administration Organizational Issues"

Hearing entitled "National Archives and Records Administration Organizational Issues" July 30, 2009   Hearing Documents Hearing Video

7-30-2009 – Federal Workforce -"Making Sense of It All: An Examination of USPS's Station and Branch Optimization Initiative and Delivery Route Adjustments"

Hearing entitled "Making Sense of It All: An Examiniation of USPS's Station and Branch Optimization Initiative and Delivery Route Adjustments" July 30, 2009 Hearing Documents Hearing Video

07-30-2009 – Federal Workforce Business Meeting

Business Meeting Markups Markup Video

National Archives and Records Administration Organizational Issues

Making Sense of It All: An Examination of USPS’s Station and Branch Optimization Initiative and Delivery Route Adjustments

Press Release
Chairman Towns, Ranking Member Issa Call for Replacement of Amtrak’s ‘Interim’ IG

Lawmakers Question Amtrak’s Motives and Legal Basis for Appointing Temporary IG WASHINGTON. D.C. – House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Edolphus Towns (D-NY) and Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-CA) today in a letter to Amtrak Chairman Thomas C. Carper called for the immediate replacement of Amtrak “Interim” Inspector General Lorraine Green – a 12-year member of Amtrak management who intends to return to her former position ...

07-29-2009 – Domestic Policy – "Ready-to Eat or Not? Examining the Impact of Leafy Greens Marketing Agreements"

Hearing entitled "Ready-to-Eat or Not?: Examining the Impact of Leafy Greens Marketing Agreements" July 29, 2009   Hearing Documents Hearing Video

07-29-2009 – Full Committee – “Inadvertent File Sharing Over Peer-to-Peer Networks: How it Endangers Citizens and Jeopardizes National Security”

July 29, 2009 Hearing Documents Hearing Video

Chairman Towns, Ranking Member Issa Call for Replacement of Amtrak’s ‘Interim’ IG

Lawmakers Question Amtrak’s Motives and Legal Basis for Appointing Temporary IG WASHINGTON. D.C. – House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Edolphus Towns (D-NY) and Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-CA) today in a letter to Amtrak Chairman Thomas C. Carper ...

Ready-to Eat or Not? Examining the Impact of Leafy Greens Marketing Agreements