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Oversight Hearing Scheduled to Question Stimulus Waste

  WASHINGTON. D.C. – House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-CA) today characterized next week’s hearing titled, “Preventing Stimulus Waste and Fraud: Who Are the Watchdogs?” an opportunity for the Administration to provide absent details regarding its commitment to monitor every dollar of stimulus spending.     “The House ...

Press Release
Oversight Republicans Criticize Treasury for Failing on Promises of Transparency

WASHINGTON D.C. – House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Subcommittee Ranking Member Jim Jordan (R-OH) today, at a House hearing featuring Interim Assistant Secretary for Financial Stability Neel Kashkari, demanded that the Treasury Department take immediate steps to increase transparency of TARP funds approved by Congress as part of the $700 billion bailout. “After two Administrations and roughly six months of the blind ...

Press Release
Issa Calls on Committee to Cease Double Standard on Perjury and Obstruction of Justice Investigations

WASHINGTON. D.C. – House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-CA) made the following statement on Chairman Edolphus Towns’ announcement that committee attorneys will begin a detailed investigation into allegations that Merrill Lynch provided misleading information to Congress regarding bonuses for its top executives: “Providing false or withholding key information from congressional investigators is a crime that ...

More Questions Than Answers Regarding Recovery.Gov

“I have told each of my Cabinet, as well as mayors and governors across the country, that they will be held accountable by me and the American people for every dollar they spend.” – President Barack Obama, 2/24/2009, Address to Joint Session of Congress       WASHINGTON. D.C. – House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Ranking ...

Issa Calls on Committee to Cease Double Standard on Perjury and Obstruction of Justice Investigations

  WASHINGTON. D.C. – House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-CA) made the following statement on Chairman Edolphus Towns’ announcement that committee attorneys will begin a detailed investigation into allegations that Merrill Lynch provided misleading information to Congress regarding bonuses for its top executives:     “Providing ...

03-12-2009 – National Security – "Money, Guns, and Drugs: Are U.S. Inputs Fueling Violence on the U.S. – Mexico Border?"

  “Money, Guns, and Drugs: Are U.S. Inputs Fueling Violence on the U.S.-Mexico Border?”   March 12, 2009   Hearing Documents Hearing Video

Money, Guns, and Drugs: Are U.S. Inputs Fueling Violence on the U.S. – Mexico Border?

Oversight Republicans Criticize Treasury for Failing on Promises of Transparency

WASHINGTON D.C. – House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Subcommittee Ranking Member Jim Jordan (R-OH) today, at a House hearing featuring Interim Assistant Secretary for Financial Stability Neel Kashkari, demanded that the Treasury Department take immediate steps to increase transparency of TARP funds approved by Congress as part of the $700 billion ...

03-11-2009 – Domestic Policy – "Peeling Back the TARP: Exposing Treasury's Failur to Monitor the Ways Financial Institutions are Using Taxpayer Funds Provided under the Troubled Assets Relief Program"

  "Peeling Back the TARP: Exposing Treasury's Failure to Monitor the Ways Financial Institutions are Using Taxpayer Funds Provided under the Troubled Assets Relief Program"   March 11, 2009     Hearing Documents   Ranking Member Issa's Opening Statement   Panel ...

Peeling Back the TARP: Exposing Treasury’s Failur to Monitor the Ways Financial Institutions are Using Taxpayer Funds Provided under the Troubled Assets Relief Program