Robinson Walker wires JBBSR INC $15,000. Details can be found in the First Bank Records Memorandum.
Ukranian law enforcement announces $6M bribery scheme by Mykola Zlochevsky in order to end probe into the Burisma founder.
Ukranian Parliament approves President Poroshenko's firing of Prosecutor General Shokin.
President Poroshenko says he recieved Prosecutor General Shokin's letter of resignation.
Vice President Biden calls President Poroshenko to thank him for calling on Prosecutor General Shokin to resign.
President Poroshenko asks Prosecutor General Shokin to resign.
Vice President Biden and President Poroshenko conduct a call.
Mykola Zlochevsky gives Hunter Biden unspecified, extravagant birthday gifts.
Vice President Biden meets with President Poroshenko in Switzerland at the World Economic Forum where Biden reinforced the linkage between the loan guarantee and the necessary reforms.
Vice President Biden hosts a holiday party at the Vice Presidential residence, which Amos Hochstein and Hunter Biden both attend.