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Hearing Hearing Date: November 15, 2018 10:00 am 2154 Rayburn HOB

Examining Misconduct and Retaliation at the U.S. Forest Service

Examining Misconduct and Retaliation at the U.S. Forest Service
November 15, 2018
10:00 am
2154 Rayburn HOB
Full Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
  • To examine the U.S. Forest Service’s response to allegations of misconduct, sexual harassment, discrimination, and retaliation.
  • On December 1, 2016, the Committee held a hearing to examine reported misconduct, harassment, and gender discrimination at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the U.S. Forest Service (USFS).
  • Since the hearing, USFS launched a number of initiatives to improve its work environment. However, reports of misconduct, sexual harassment, and retaliation against those who speak out against this behavior continue.
  • The USDA Office of the Inspector General (OIG) has reviewed USFS’s work environment and policies on misconduct. On March 18, 2018, the OIG issued an interim audit report. Currently, they are preparing a full audit report to determine whether USFS’s actions to address complaints were implemented in accordance with USFS’s agreement with the Office of the General Counsel and the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights.
Witnesses and testimonies: Ms. Vicki Christiansen

U.S. Forest Service


The Honorable Phyllis K. Fong

Inspector General
U.S. Department of Agriculture


Ms. Shannon Reed

Air Quality Specialist
Former Employee, U.S. Forest Service
