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Hearing Hearing Date: November 2, 2017 2:00 pm 2154 Rayburn HOB

Examining the Regulation of Shark Finning in the United States

Examining the Regulation of Shark Finning in the United States
November 2, 2017
2:00 pm
2154 Rayburn HOB


  • To examine existing shark finning legislation and current issues with enforcement and reporting. 


  • Shark finning is the practice of removing the fins of a shark while at sea. Sharks are them thrown back into the water, unable to swim or defend themselves, causing them to die.
  • This practice has been prohibited since Congress enacted the Shark Finning Prohibition Act in 2000. 
  • Congress also passed the Shark Conservation Act of 2010 which directs the Secretary of Commerce to enter international shark conservation agreements comparable to United States law. 
  • Despite existing law, loopholes have created enforcement challenges, resulting in unreported violations. 
Witnesses and testimonies: Ms. Lora Snyder

Campaign Director
Oceana, International Headquarters


Ms. Brandi Reeder

Assistant Commander
Fisheries Law Administrator Law Enforcement Division Texas Parks and Wildlife Department


Dr. Alistair D.M. Dove

Vice President of Research and Conservation
Georgia Aquarium
