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Ten Years of TARP: Examining the Hardest Hit Fund

PURPOSE: To mark the 10th anniversary of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) and to evaluate the Hardest Hit Fund's (HHF) foreclosure mitigation performance. BACKGROUND: In response to the U.S. financial recession, Congress created the Department of Treasury's TARP in 2008 with the ...

Progress on the 2020 Census – Continued

PURPOSE: To examine the Census Bureau’s progress during the 2018 end-to-end test and examine ongoing preparations for the 2020 decennial census. BACKGROUND: In order to control costs, the Census Bureau is concentrating on four main innovation areas: (1) reengineering address canvassing; (2) optimizing ...

A Sustainable Solution to the Evolving Opioid Crisis: Revitalizing the Office of National Drug Control Policy

PURPOSE: To discuss policy proposals for reauthorizing the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) as they play a critical role in coordinating the federal response to our nation's opioid epidemic. To discuss how evidence-based policymaking and information sharing can be used to identify and prevent emerging drug trends. BACKGROUND: Over the last 20 years, the ...

Workforce for the 21st Century: Analyzing the President’s Management Agenda

PURPOSE: To examine the workforce modernization provisions of the President's Management Agenda. To discuss how the Agenda fits into the ongoing reorganization efforts and the Administration's vision for a modern, effective, efficient, and accountable federal government. BACKGROUND: On March 20, 2018, ...

Program Integrity for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

PURPOSE: To examine waste, fraud, and abuse in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and discuss reforms to strengthen its integrity and sustainability. To explore how the Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) can more effectively assist states in the program's administration. BACKGROUND: SNAP is a federal aid program administered through the Department of Agriculture's FNS ...

Progress Report on the 2020 Census

PURPOSE: To examine the Census Bureau's progress during the 2018 end-to-end test and examine ongoing preparations for the 2020 decennial census. BACKGROUND: In order to control costs, the Census Bureau is concentrating on four main innovation areas: (1) reengineering address canvassing; (2) optimizing ...

FIELD BRIEFING: Examining the impacts of proposed NAAQS on the Sheboygan, Wisconsin Area

Waste and Inefficiency in the Federal Government: GAO’s 2018 Duplication Report

PURPOSE: To examine the findings of the Government Accountability Office's (GAO) annual report on areas of duplication, overlap, and fragmentation within federal government programs and other newly identified areas for cost savings. BACKGROUND: On April 26, 2018, GAO will release its eighth annual ...

Examining Tax-Exempt Private Activity Bonds for All Aboard Florida’s Brightline Passenger Rail System

PURPOSE: To examine the use of $600 million and $1.15 billion in tax-exempt private activity bonds to support the Brightline passenger rail system project in Florida, and the broader implications of this type of financing for future infrastructure projects. BACKGROUND: Brightline is a Florida-based passenger rail system privately owned and operated by All Aboard Florida (AAF). In 2005, Congress ...

Game Changers: Artificial Intelligence Part III, Artificial Intelligence and Public Policy

PURPOSE: To examine the potential role for the government and the private sector in addressing challenges presented by Artificial Intelligence (AI). To consider the merits and costs of the government role in potential solutions to challenges including bias, ethics, global competitiveness, privacy and transparency. BACKGROUND: On February 14, 2018, the Information Technology Subcommittee held the ...