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Ongoing Management Challenges at IRS

PURPOSE: To conduct oversight over the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) operations  To discuss a variety of management issues at the IRS ranging from the rehiring of problematic employees to questionable information technology.  BACKGROUND:   ...

Oversight of Federal Political Advertisement Laws and Regulations

PURPOSE: To examine the different regulations and laws that govern political advertisement disclaimers and disclosures.  To highlight the importance of free speech and First Amendment implications of attempting to regulate political speech.  BACKGROUND:

Regulatory Reform Task Forces Check-In

PURPOSE: To examine various agencies' implementation of the Administration's Executive Orders on regulatory reform. To highlight regulatory reform efforts conducted to-date. BACKGROUND: Earlier this year, President Trump issued two executive orders to form the foundation of the Administration's regulatory reform ...

Hearing on the 2020 Census

TAKEAWAYS: The Census Bureau must focus on modernizing data collection and delivering necessary IT infrastructure in the most cost-effective manner. The Census Bureau must ensure delivery of critical IT systems for 2018 end-to-end testing. Delays for delivery of critical IT systems pose significant risk for the security and the success of the census. Secretary Ross provided a ...

Security Clearance Investigation Challenges and Reforms

PURPOSE: To discuss the merits of the Department of Defense's (DOD) plan to transfer the background investigation function from Office of Personnel Management's (OPM) National Background Investigation Bureau (NBIB) back to DOD. To examine recent reports on problems with interim clearance investigations, improper adjudications, and potential reforms to the investigation process.

Review of the U.S. Government’s Role in Protecting International Religious Freedom

PURPOSE: To examine the U.S. government's policy related to international religious freedom and how it impacts our national security.   BACKGROUND: Under federal law, the State Department is required to designate countries of particular concern that violate religious freedom. Each year, the State Department's Bureau ...

Cybersecurity of the Internet of Things

PURPOSE: To examine the use of devices that comprise the Internet of Things (IoT) and their current and potential uses in federal government.  To explore ...

Innovations in Security: Examining the Use of Canines

PURPOSE: To examine the supply of qualified domestic canines for security purposes. To discuss opportunities to expand the visibility of canines at soft targets and transportation hubs throughout the country. BACKGROUND: Canines ...

Examining America’s Nuclear Waste Management and Storage

PURPOSE: To examine the management of our nation's increasing amount of nuclear waste. To highlight the challenges communities across the country face when dealing with nuclear waste. BACKGROUND: Over the last four decades, the ...

Recommendations of the Commission on Evidence-based Policymaking

PURPOSE: To examine recommendations from the Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking (CEP). To understand how Congress can improve access to data, protect privacy and confidentiality, and facilitate the creation of evidence-based policies. BACKGROUND: