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Seeking Justice for Victims of Palestinian Terrorism in Israel

PURPOSE:  To examine the role of the Office of Justice for Victims of Overseas Terrorism (OVT). To highlight the threat of terrorism to Americans in Israel. To examine U.S. ...

U.S. Department of Education: Investigation of the CIO

TAKEAWAYS: The Department of Education’s (ED) Chief Information Officer (CIO) Danny Harris received substantial bonuses ...

Wassenaar: Cybersecurity and Export Control

Chairman Will Hurd (R-TX) – Oversight Subcommittee on Information Technology Chairman John Ratcliffe (R-TX) – Homeland Security Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection, and Security Technologies PURPOSE: • To review the ...

Document Production Status Update

PURPOSE: • To examine how and why certain agencies withhold, or otherwise fail to produce, documents and information that will assist the Committee’s oversight and investigative initiatives. BACKGROUND: • Congress’ right of access to executive branch information is constitutionally based and is critical to the concept of co-equal branches of government. • Since the first congressional request for information ...

Army Fee Assistance Program: Part II

PURPOSE: ·To examine the status of remediation efforts to reduce program backlog in the Army Fee Assistance (AFA) program. ·To examine Army’s plan to transition the program back to its ...

Terrorist Travel: Vetting for National Security Concerns

TAKEAWAYS The Obama administration claims to have “very extensive screening procedures” in place, even though the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) rejected a plan to review the social media accounts of visa applicants. Current plans to review social media remain in the ...

Merit Systems Protection Board, Office of Government Ethics, and Office of Special Counsel Reauthorization

PURPOSE: • To begin the legislative process of reauthorizing Office of Government Ethics (OGE), Office of Special Counsel (OSC), and Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB). • To examine potential legislative changes to these agencies. BACKGROUND: • OGE is responsible for providing leadership and oversight of the executive branch ethics program designed to prevent and resolve conflicts of interest. OGE’s ...

Terrorism and the Visa Waiver Program

PURPOSE: • To address the vulnerabilities in the Visa Waiver Program (VWP) and assess what steps the U.S. government has taken to mitigate terrorists abusing the VWP and our ...

A Casino in Every Smartphone – Law Enforcement Implications

TAKEAWAYS: • States have a sovereign right to determine gambling policy within their borders. The internet is borderless in nature and threatens states’ ability to regulate gambling transactions within its jurisdiction. • Federal law enforcement officials expressed concerns online gambling is vulnerable to being used for money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud, and other criminal activity. • Congress was not given the opportunity to properly vet the ...

Examining the Stream Protection Rule

PURPOSE: • To examine the development and substance of the proposed Stream Protection Rule (SPR). • To focus on the effects of the rule and the Administration’s interaction ...