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FOIA in the 21st Century: Using Technology to Improve Transparency in Government

2154 Rayburn House Office Building

Oversight of the Department of Energy’s Stimulus Spending

Today the price of gasoline is approaching $4.00 per gallon, twice its level in 2009. American consumers understandably ask what the Department of Energy and the Obama Administration have done to address this. But during the Obama Administration, you might say the DOE has been DOA when it comes to delivering affordable energy to consumers.

Failure to Recover: The State of Housing Markets, Mortgage Servicing Practices, and Foreclosures

Field Hearing: Brooklyn Borough Hall, located at 209 Joralemon Street, Brooklyn, NY

Food Stamp Fraud as a Business Model: USDA’s Struggle to Police Store Owners

Chairman Issa Hearing Preview Statement According to USDA’s own accounting estimates, 15% of all convenience and small grocery stores that accept food stamps participate in food stamp trafficking.  A typical example of fraud by a store owner in the program would involve ringing up items prohibited by the food stamp fraud, like beer and cigarettes, as vegetables.  In other instances, merchants pay cash for a card, ...

The Pros and Cons of Making the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey Voluntary

The Status of Government Financial Management: A Look at the FY2011 Consolidated Financial Statements

Preventing Stolen Valor: Challenges and Solutions

Honoring George Washington’s Legacy: Does America Need a Reminder?

Government 2.0: GAO Unveils New Duplicative Program Report

Chairman Issa Hearing Preview Statement   Taxpayers deserve modern, efficient and cost-effective operations in their government, and it is the job of Congress and the Obama Administration, especially in times of fiscal crisis, to deliver these results. Today the Government Accountability Office released a report that outlines 51 new areas of duplication, overlap and fragmentation. It has identified across ...

How Much Is Too Much? Examining Duplicative IT Investments at DOE and DOD