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The Border: Are Environmental Laws and Regulations Impeding Security and Harming the Environment?

Tsunami Warning, Preparedness, and Interagency Cooperation: Lessons Learned

State And Municipal Debt: Tough Choices Ahead

Chairman Darrell Issa Hearing Preview Statement Thursday's Full Committee hearing builds on the work of our Subcommittee on TARP, Financial Services and Bailouts of Public and Private Programs, Chaired by Representative Patrick McHenry. These hearings have taken a hard look at the severity of fiscal problems faced by states and municipalities, examples of reforms that could put governments on sustainable paths, and the role the federal government has played in ...

FECA: A Fair Approach

Regulatory Barriers to American Indian Job Creation

Assessing the Impact of EPA Greenhouse Gas Regulations on Small Business

Waste, Abuse and Mismanagement in Government Health Care

Are Postal Workforce Costs Sustainable?

Chairman Darrell Issa Hearing Preview Statement Tuesday's hearing of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, entitled "Are Postal Workforce Costs Sustainable," will continue the Committee's ongoing effort to monitor the fiscal condition of the United States Postal Service and the affordability of USPS's workforce compensation expenses. One pressing question remains at the forefront of congressional oversight of USPS: What is needed for the postal ...

Why Isn’t the Department of Homeland Security Meeting the President’s Standard on FOIA?

Chairman Issa Hearing Preview Statement Thursday’s hearing of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, entitled “Why Isn’t the Department of Homeland Security Meeting the President’s Standard on FOIA,” will assess the disparity between DHS non-compliance with FOIA provisions and the Administration’s stated goals of openness and transparency. On his first full day in office, President Obama outlined the critical role that FOIA plays in ...

Unfunded Mandates and Regulatory Overreach Part II