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Markup Markup Date: January 31, 2017 10:00 am

Full Committee Business Meeting

Full Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
The Committee’s Authorization and Oversight Plan for the 115th Congress Passed Recorded Link
Amendment Norton Amendment Failed Voice
Amendment Clay Amendment Failed Recorded
Amendment Lynch Amendment Failed Recorded
Amendment Connolly Amendment Passed Voice
Amendment Lawrence Amendment Failed Recorded
Amendment Coleman Amendment Failed Recorded
Amendment Demings Amendment Failed Recorded
Amendment Raskin Amendment Failed Recorded
Amendment Cummings Amendment Failed Recorded
H.R. 657, Follow the Rules Act Passed Voice Link
Amendment Chaffetz Amendment Passed Voice
H.R. 653, Federal Intern Protection Act of 2017

Consideration of the bill was postponed.

H.R. 679, Construction Consensus Procurement Improvement Act of 2017 Passed Voice Link
Amendment Meadows Amendment Passed Voice
H.R. 702, Federal Employee Antidiscrimination Act of 2017 Passed Voice Link
H.R. 194, Federal Agency Mail Management Act of 2017 Passed Voice Link
H.R. 396, Tax Accountability Act of 2017 Link