Bad Regulations Cost Good Jobs: Jack’s Story
WASHINGTON, DC – The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform today released Jack’s Story: Government “All about Regulations,” the first in a three part video series detailing how government regulations impact Ohio small business owner Jack Buschur and his company, Buschur Electric Incorporated. Founded in 1978, Buschur Electric grew to support 30 jobs in Minster, OH until the down economy and costly compliance with byzantine government regulations forced the company to lay off 12 workers beginning in 2009. This is Jack’s story of how rules written by bureaucrats in Washington affect real communities, job creators and their families across America.
Click HERE to Watch “Jack’s Story: Government ‘All about Regulations'”
“The regulations and the paperwork problems government throws at small business today is just becoming tremendously overwhelming,” Buschur says in the video. “So much of it has nothing to do with safety or creating business. It’s all about regulations.”
Earlier this year, Buschur testified before the Oversight Committee that government safety and environmental regulations – imposed by Washington with little meaningful consultation with regulated job creators – create an uncertain business environment, require time-consuming and costly compliance, and unleash unintended consequences undermining the purported benefits of regulation. Read Jack’s prepared testimony HERE and watch video of his testimony HERE.
Key Exchanges from Mr. Buschur’s February 10, 2011 Oversight Committee Testimony
Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ): “How much time do you spend in trying to adhere to the regulatory burden in your business?”
Mr. Buschur: “I would say in my business we are probably looking at at least 20 percent. But, most importantly, these regulations are so in-depth and so large that we have to pay outsiders, whether it is attorneys or business organizations or what, to really critique these regulations and advise us as to what we can and what we cannot do, and that takes money away from my company being able to expand or hire additional people; I am spending it on attorneys or business groups helping us trying to understand regulations.”
Rep. Dennis Ross (R-FL): “In 1978 you started your business. You have maintained it for [33] years. Would you do it all over again, knowing what the regulatory environment is today?”
Mr. Buschur: “No, sir, I would not.”
Mr. Buschur: “It has just been a real tough battle to survive the problems and the regulations being slapped on us. In all honesty, I respect what is being said and I am not anti-safety or anti anything like that; I just think it needs to be done as a team, and not as someone telling you here is what you are going to do and here is what you have to do, and there is no explanation for reasons why.”
RT @darrellissa: bad regulations cost good #OH #jobs (VIDEO: #tcot #smallbiz
RT @darrellissa: this is what is all about (VIDEO: #smallbiz #tcot
RT @darrellissa: WATCH Jack’s Story: Government “All about Regulations” (VIDEO: #smallbiz #OH
RT @darrellissa: #OH #smallbiz owner Jack Buschur: government seems “all about regulations,” not #jobs (VID:
RT @darrellissa: “so much of [#regulation] has nothing to do w/ safety or creating #business” – Jack Buschur (VID:
RT @darrellissa: ridiculous #regulation cost #smallbiz owner Jack Buschur at least 20% of his time (VID: #tcot #OH
RT @darrellissa: given today’s #regulations, Jack Buschur wouldn’t start his again #OH #smallbiz again (VID: #tcot
RT @darrellissa: is there a better way to regulate? Listening to #jobs experts like Jack Buschur to learn how ( #tcot
RT @darrellissa: #regulations costing your #smallbiz like Jack? We need to hear how: ( is a House Republican initiative to expose the true costs of government regulation. is part of an ongoing conversation between Congress and the people we serve about the regulatory reform needed to support private-sector job growth.
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Jack Buschur's Testimony | Document |