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Press Release Published: Oct 17, 2024

Chairman Comer Releases Oversight Committee’s Accomplishments for the 118th Congress

WASHINGTON—House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) today released the committee’s accomplishments for the 118th Congress under Republican leadership. In a 72-page booklet provided to Republican committee members, Chairman Comer outlines how Republicans restored the House Oversight and Accountability Committee to its primary duty to root out waste, fraud, and abuse in the federal government and hold the Biden-Harris Administration accountable. He also details how the committee’s oversight and investigative priorities have produced transparency, accountability, and solutions for the American people.

Included in the booklet is a letter Chairman Comer wrote to his Republican colleagues, which reads:

“Dear Colleague,

“When Republicans reclaimed the majority for the 118th Congress, we pledged to restore the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability to its proper role of rooting out waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in the federal government and holding the Biden-Harris Administration accountable. We have succeeded.

“Since the Biden-Harris Administration received no oversight from the Democrat majority in the 117th Congress, our plate was full. In fact, Democrats received an ‘F’ in oversight from the nonpartisan Lugar Center. Since the start of the 118th Congress, we moved quickly to make up for lost time. We have held over 130 hearings with over 100 government witnesses to date. We issued more than 50 subpoenas and sent over 600 investigative letters. But it’s not just about the numbers; it’s about the results.

“Our effective, targeted oversight has led to transparency, accountability, and solutions for the American people. We exposed President Joe Biden’s involvement in his family’s multimillion-dollar influence peddling racket and sent criminal referrals to the Department of Justice recommending prosecution of his son and brother for their lies to Congress to protect ‘the Big Guy.’ We heard directly from the Chief Patrol Agents battling the Biden-Harris border crisis about policies fueling the worst border crisis in U.S. history and brought their words directly to the American people. We held accountable Biden-Harris Administration officials implementing a radical environmental agenda that is jeopardizing jobs, energy security, and national security. We forced the Biden-Harris Administration to increase in-person work at federal agencies. We have provided recommendations to protect taxpayers from waste, fraud, and abuse in pandemic-era unemployment relief programs. We have produced legislation to prevent federal bureaucrats from pressuring social media companies to censor Americans’ views expressed online. We forced Director Cheatle to resign after the Secret Service’s historic failures to prevent the attempted assassination of President Trump. And we exposed how COVID-19 likely originated from the Wuhan lab and got EcoHealth Alliance debarred for their risky gain-of-function research that Dr. Fauci funded.

“These are just a few examples of the great work we have done for the American people under the leadership of our subcommittee chairs: Representatives Pat Fallon, Glenn Grothman, Nancy Mace, Lisa McClain, Pete Sessions, and Brad Wenstrup. We still have more work to do, but I am proud of what we have accomplished together.”

The booklet details the accomplishments of the Oversight Committee’s oversight and investigations in the 118th Congress, including the investigations into the Bidens’ influence peddling schemes; the Biden-Harris border crisis; the Biden-Harris Administration’s radical environmental agenda; prolonged pandemic-era telework; waste, fraud, and abuse in pandemic unemployment programs; censorship of Americans’ free speech; rising prescription drug prices; the Chinese Communist Party’s infiltration and influence campaign in the U.S.; the District of Columbia’s crime crisis; failures at the Secret Service; emerging cyberthreats and advances in artificial intelligence; the infant formula crisis; and the COVID-19 pandemic and response.

View the booklet of the Oversight Committee’s accomplishments here.