Chairman Issa Statement on House Debt Plan Vote
(WASHINGTON) – Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) today released the following statement on his intention to vote in support of the debt ceiling and spending cut plan negotiated over the weekend and expecting a vote later today in the House of Representatives:
“Today’s debt plan is the first of several actions that Congress must take if it is to end the culture of government overspending and rapidly mounting national debt. Money from Washington has become the easy answer to every problem. We have to break that dependence and limit government spending to the revenues we take in – something families across the country do each month with their own budgets. The American people realize that the federal government can no longer spend without consequence and that they will get stuck paying the bill.
“The Budget Control Act is not as far reaching and responsible as the Cut, Cap and Balance Act or the Path to Prosperity spending plan passed by the House of Representatives with my support earlier this year. Nonetheless, it moves the country in the right direction—without tax increases—and gives us a foundation to continue the conversation about our nation’s spending priorities.”
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