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Press Release Published: Feb 2, 2012

Fortress Holder: A Year of Justice Department Stonewalling, Visualized

Watch AG Holder Testify Tomorrow at

WASHINGTON, DC – Tomorrow, Attorney General Eric Holder will testify before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform about the Justice Department’s year-long effort to obstruct accountability for Operation Fast and Furious. Today, the committee released an infographic capturing the scope of Attorney General Holder’s stonewalling on this reckless program. The hearing will be streamed live


Click here to see the “Fortress Holder” Infographic

Over the past year, Congressional investigators and the American people have been denied access to:

• 92% of documents related to Fast and Furious.

• 66% of subpoenaed document categories related to Fast and Furious.

• 48 accounts from Justice Department officials involved in Fast and Furious.


RT @GOPOversight: INFOGRAPHIC: Fortress Holder – A Year of #FastAndFurious Stonewalling:

RT @GOPOversight: INFOGRAPHIC: what % of #FastAndFurious documents is #Holder hiding?

RT @GOPOversight: INFOGRAPHIC: how many @TheJusticeDept #FastAndFurious official accounts is #Holder hiding?

RT @GOPOversight: INFOGRAPHIC: how many #FastAndFurious subpoena categories has #Holder ignored?
