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Press Release Published: Apr 14, 2015

GAO Report Identifies Duplication in Federal Programs

Billions wasted each year on redundant, overlapping, fragmented services

WASHINGTON— The Government Accountability Office (GAO) today released its 2015 report to Congress identifying opportunities to reduce fragmentation, overlap, and duplication within the federal government. The GAO report presents 66 actions that the executive branch or Congress may take to make 24 areas within the federal government more efficient. The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee will hold a hearing on the report today at 2:00 p.m. EDT and GAO Comptroller General Gene Dodaro will appear before the committee [testimony].

“This report importantly shines a light on duplicative, redundant, and fragmented areas within the federal government that subsequently waste billions of taxpayer dollars. The Committee will examine recommendations made by the GAO to ensure that the necessary reforms are being implemented. There are clear inefficiencies that need to be addressed immediately,” said House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Chaffetz.

Specifically, the 2015 report makes 20 recommendations for 12 areas of the federal government that focus on defense, health care, income security, information technology, and international affairs. The GAO also presents 46 additional opportunities for federal agencies or Congress to implement reforms that would reduce the cost of government operations or enhance revenue collection for the Treasury Department across 12 areas of government.

Topics in the 2015 Report

Fragmentation, Overlap, or Duplication

1.  EPA’s and FDA’s Laboratory Inspections
2.  Ground Radar & Guided Munitions Programs
3.  Weapon System Milestone Decision Process
4.  Consumer Product Safety Oversight
5.  Nonemergency Medical Transportation
6.  DOD Family Health Plan
7.  Medicare Post-payment Claims Reviews
8.  Serious Mental Illness Programs
9.  Vulnerability Assessments of Critical Infrastructure
10. DHS Processing of FOIA Requests
11. Federal and States’ Export Promotion
12.Oceanic and Atmospheric Observing Systems Portfolio

Cost Savings or Revenue Enhancement

13. Defense Facilities Consolidation & Disposal
14. DOD Headquarters Reductions and Workforce Requirements
15. Strategic Petroleum Reserve
16. U.S. Enrichment Corporation Fund
17. Tax Policies and Enforcement
18. DOD TRICARE Improper Payments
19. Medicare Payments to Certain Cancer Hospitals
20. State Medicaid Sources of Funds
21. Children’s Disability Reviews
22. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Fraud and Abuse
23. Federal Software Licenses
24. Disaster Relief Fund Administrative Costs