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Press Release Published: Sep 25, 2024

New Evidence Suggests Former Governor Andrew Cuomo Attempted to Inappropriately Influence a COVID Select Witness

WASHINGTON — Today, the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic released new evidence that suggests former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo attempted to inappropriately influence the testimony of a Select Subcommittee witness. In an addendum to its most recent staff memorandum titled “Findings from the Select Subcommittee’s Investigation into the Cuomo Administration’s March 25 Directive Admitting COVID-Positive Patients into Nursing Homes,” the Select Subcommittee lays out a concerning timeline of communication from Mr. Cuomo to a former top aide — Dr. Jim Malatras. Since 2021, Mr. Cuomo’s communications to Dr. Malatras coincide with major developments in the Select Subcommittee’s nursing home investigation. This pattern of behavior raises serious concerns that Mr. Cuomo was attempting to influence Dr. Malatras’ testimony and obstruct the Select Subcommittee’s investigation.

Please see the timeline below for a summary of the addendum’s new finding:

Contact #1:

  • May 17, 2023: COVID Select holds its first hearing on the New York nursing home investigation.
  • May 18, 2023: Less than 24 hours later, and for the FIRST time since 2021, Mr. Cuomo texts Dr. Malatras.
    • Dr. Malatras did not respond.

Contact #2:

  • February 16, 2024: COVID Select requests Dr. Malatras appear for a transcribed interview.
  • February 18, 2024: Within 48 hours, and for only the SECOND time since 2021, Mr. Cuomo again texts Dr. Malatras.
    • Dr. Malatras did not respond to this message.

Contact #3:

  • July 15, 2024: COVID Select privately confirms Mr. Cuomo’s hearing date.
  • July 15, 2024: That same day, Mr. Cuomo contacts Dr. Malatras for the THIRD TIME.
    • Mr. Cuomo calls Dr. Malatras and immediately brings up the nursing home investigation, leading to Dr. Malatras feeling “uncomfortable.”

Notably, Dr. Malatras was the only New York nursing home investigation witness to testify that Mr. Cuomo was directly involved in the New York State Department of Health’s July 6, 2020 Report. This Report alleged that nursing home staff — not the now infamous March 25 Directive — caused excess COVID-19 deaths. The Cuomo Administration repeatedly used the July 6 Report to deflect blame for and combat public criticism of the March 25 Directive. If Mr. Cuomo personally edited the July 6 Report — as Dr. Malatras’s testimony and new New York Times reporting indicates — Mr. Cuomo’s pattern of communication with Dr. Malatras suggests that Mr. Cuomo attempted to inappropriately influence witness testimony to hide wrongdoing.

Read the addendum to the memo here and the full memo here.

Read the Select Subcommittee’s letter to Dr. Malatras here and Dr. Malatras’ response here.
