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Press Release
House Sends DATA Act to President Obama

“Today’s passage of the DATA Act is a victory for taxpayers,” said Chairman Issa. “Addressing rampant waste and fraud in government starts with making publicly accessible, structured information available online for everyone—taxpayers and watchdogs alike. I applaud my House colleagues’ bipartisan action today to reform and improve spending transparency. The DATA Act is a win for good government, moving the federal bureaucracy into the digital age and setting the stage for real ...

Press Release
Issa Statement on House Passage of D.C. Height Act Amendment

The House today passed H.R. 4192, to amend the 1910 Height of Buildings Act, as amended, on a recorded vote of 367-16. The legislation will allow the District of Columbia government to approve human occupancy of penthouses up to one-story tall above the top story of buildings in the city.

Press Release
Issa Statement on Oregon’s Decision to Scrap ObamaCare Exchange

WASHINGTON – Today, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., released the following statement on Oregon’s decision to shut down its state health insurance exchange and join the federal exchange: “Oregon’s decision to scrap its exchange altogether and join the federal exchange means federal taxpayers have lost the $305 million spent on the site. Going forward, federal officials should insist that Oregon foot the bill for the state’s transition ...

Press Release
Oversight Committee Probes Justice Department Role in IRS Targeting

Requests documents and transcribed interview of DOJ official in wake of public revelation that DOJ corresponded with former IRS official Lois Lerner about prosecuting tax exempt status applicants WASHINGTON – House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) and sixteen Oversight Committee members asked Department of Justice Attorney General Eric Holder to produce documents and a Justice Department official for a transcribed interview to ...

Press Release
Issa and Farenthold Probe Census Revisions to Healthcare Coverage Rate

“Numerous experts from across the political spectrum claim that the Census’s new measure will limit the effectiveness of the survey to measure the effects the Affordable Care Act has had on the number of people with health insurance over time. We have serious concerns about the timing of this revision given the purported input and approval of officials at the White House and HHS of these revamped survey questions.”

Press Release
Issa Presses White House on Its Decision to Redact HHS’ E-mails

WASHINGTON – Today, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., pressed for more information on the White House’s decision to withhold and redact documents the Committee subpoenaed from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) about the launch of In a letter sent today to White House Counsel Kathryn ...

Press Release
Issa and Jordan on New Documents Discussing Potential Prosecution of Tax Exempt Groups

“The release of new documents underscores the political nature of IRS Tea Party targeting and the extent to which supposed apolitical officials took direction from elected Democrats,” said Chairman Issa. “These e-mails are part of an overwhelming body of evidence that political pressure from prominent Democrats led to the targeting of Americans for their political beliefs.”

Press Release
Issa Statement on the Resignation of HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius

Kathleen Sebelius had a supremely difficult job implementing a law as unpopular and unwieldy as ObamaCare. Her tenure as the head of the Department of Health and Human Services may be at an end, but Americans will be dealing with the repercussions of the president's health law for a very long time.

Press Release
Senate Advances DATA Act Compromise

“The American taxpayer deserves to know when, where and how his or her money is spent,” said Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and lead sponsor of the DATA Act in the House of Representatives. “Without accurate, timely, program by program spending data, we will never be able to truly track federal spending, which is the only way we can address the massive amount of waste and fraud in government. I am proud of the bill we are ...

Press Release
Oversight Committee Approves Lois Lerner Contempt of Congress Resolution

“Today, the Oversight Committee upheld its obligation to pursue the truth about the IRS targeting of Americans because of their political beliefs,” said Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif. “Our investigation has found that former IRS Exempt Organizations division Director Lois Lerner played a central role in the targeting scandal and then failed to meet her legal obligations to answer questions after she waived her right not to testify. In demanding answers and holding a powerful government ...